Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1907: Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard

Chapter 1907, the height of the road is one foot high, one foot high

The message in the group is quickly a suffocating operation, showing the withdrawal of a certain message, the withdrawal of a certain message, and so on.

Girl 1: I want this man, I want it, no one of you should fight with me, too square, too right, this face, this figure, I am married too.

Girl 2: What are you asking, have you asked the rest of the seven sisters? I thought Mu'a lie to us and give us the photo of my son. Is it so handsome?

Girl 3: I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I want to shave his beard.

Girl 4: Open the party tonight, give him a glass of wine to put him down, then... Hey, you know, shaved his beard.

Girl 5: This military uniform is so handsome, it is a perfect interpretation of what is called forbidden wind, good body, good fragrance, sleep for a night is also worth it.


Various kinds of screens are called wow.

Mu Mu: That... I am still there.

girl! : Mom, you are naturally beautiful, dignified and elegant, I decided, I will be your daughter-in-law in the future, you know that I know the book, gentle and gentle, will definitely be the help of Mu Yuan.

Girl: Mom, my mother is good, here is your daughter-in-law Sun Yanli.

Girl: Mom, I will send you my information. When you are a daughter-in-law, I will serve you with tea every day, to ensure that Shu Shutan is not able to repay my hand.


Mu Mama made ten photos, and her daughter-in-law, eight daughters, each with a sweet rainbow fart, blew her and Mu Yuan to the sky, all kinds of sluts, and the atmosphere was very harmonious, as if they had just spit out. Ugly and arrogant, to open a banquet, fascinating, and arrogant, the tyrants are not like them. They vividly show her the heart of a girl. Don’t guess, love is like a sudden storm in the clear sky.

Mu Mu was turned to a bunch of rainbow farts and almost forgot about the business. Mu Jianxin urged her to be on the side. "Don't watch, don't read, say good things, this wave of girls who look at him, who is it, I See how he struggles."

Mu mother thought of this right thing, so she explained a wave with the girls. Mu Yuan was not like this. He also sent a series of heroic deeds and military strengths, medals, awards, and efforts to sell his son. It is said that his son is only twenty-four this year. He is not willing to get married, so he deliberately demonizes himself. He may also distort his image and let the girls bear a little bit. In fact, this is a new three-man man with a good root. Responsible, responsible, atmosphere, character is absolutely no problem, is a good character to pick one, and so on.

Girl: Auntie, you can rest assured that in fact, he is not so ugly, his eyes are big and bright, clear and beautiful, I have never seen such a good-looking eye.

Girl: Right, right, the nose is also very high, although wearing very spicy eyes, the figure is still very good, the flip-flops are very sexy.

Girl: It’s such a cold day, wearing such a personality, the body must be very good.

Subtext, some aspects of the ability to pass.

Girl: I understand, understand, the key to the upstairs.

Ms. Mu couldn’t understand their subtext and thought that they were really cute. Which one was very satisfied with her daughter-in-law, couldn’t help but said to Mu Jianxin, “This is also very good in ancient times, so many daughter-in-law, how beautiful. what."

Mu Jianxin, "..."

When Mu Yuan took them to register, they found the girls looking at his eyes, like staring at a piece of meat.

In just two minutes, what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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