Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1915: It’s not a slap in the face

Chapter 1915 is not a slap in the face

Naturally, the girls would not admit that they had shaved Mu Yuan’s beard. They also compiled a very persuasive rhetoric. They vowed to say to Mu Yuan that you were drunk yesterday and shaved your own beard.

Mu Yuan, "I believe in your evil!"

As soon as he pulled the collar, the lip print was washed away. He also washed it twice. "Who is it?"

The girls all showed a shy smile, a pair of Yihonglou was tempted to refuse to welcome the appearance, hey, son, you hate it. Mu Yuan’s eyes were pumping a pain.

I am going to go, is the **** looking for a group of actors?

"Everyone is not like you." Mu Yuan squinted, "I don't like it!"

The girls laughed happily, and one said, "Mr. Mu Yuan, do you have any misunderstandings about everyone?"

The girls said, "All of us are like this. We know the book, the hall, and the bedroom."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Lying in the trough, he is provoked a group of what kind of fairy, can not afford to provoke, he is hiding? As a result, the girls blocked his way. Mu Yuan shaved his beard. Even if he was a handsome man, he was absolutely handsome. The girls were all trying to touch his head.

"Mu Yuan, why do you want to be ugly, you are so polite, leave your hair, this is much more handsome, and temperament, the hustle and bustle is not for you, don't make that shape in the future."

"That is, even though you are a straight man, you can't ruin your image so much."

"You have more than eight abdominal muscles, I will touch it again."


Mu far raised his eyebrows. "Re-touched?"

Girl, "I have touched it."

Mu Yuan was like being touched by electricity, pulling out a meter away, and a pair of chastity was taken away. "How can you touch my abdominal muscles?"

Girl, "You are not a woman, don't let your chest touch, how about touching your abdominal muscles?"

One of them also ran a wink. "We still touched something else."

Mu Yuan’s eyes were rounded out in an instant. How the girls looked at them was quite awkward. Mu Yuan felt that a good cabbage was arched by eight pigs, and his ears turned dark red and his neck famous.

The girls laughed. "No, major, what are you blushing, we are not blushing, this is a normal thing."

"Who... who said normal to you?"

"It's not normal for you to be touched by people when you are training. It's not a big deal for us to touch a few. Wow, are you shy?"

I just said that I touched other girls and smiled. "Is this pure feeling? I didn't expect it, this is the first time you have been touched by the chest and abdominal muscles. Wow, we made a profit."

The girls clap their hands to celebrate.

Mu Yuan blushes to blow up, once again sure that his mother does not know which little fairy he found from the deep forest, and yesterday he was still the home of the people, today was reversed.

What is this called? ! !

Mu Yuan was surrounded for a while and made his hands and feet stiff. He was asked to sit down again and re-recognize the re-blindness. After a while, he would slow down. "No, I don’t drink two cocktails. Are you giving me medicine??"

"Oh, hey, major, although we have all the props ready, we have the heart, but don't give the opportunity, you have already fallen."


Today's update is over.

(End of this chapter)

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