Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1932: Major, something is not

Chapter 1932 Major, things are not

After Mu Yuan’s car followed the car, Weicheng drove, Mu Yuan sat in the passenger seat, the informant sat behind, and two cars followed the front car from the back bread clip.

"Don't scare the snake, chase the next intersection, change Chen Dong." Mu Yuan ordered.


Weicheng was separated from the last car at the next intersection. Mu Yuan asked the informant. "According to his route, where can we take the trail and follow up?"

Informant, "I don't know."

"Are you not a local?"

“Major, let's make sense. Who says local people can get familiar with transportation.”

"This main city is so big, and the stupid people have also figured out that they have passed through it in a month. You have been eating for more than 30 years." Mu Yuan couldn't help but take a poisonous tongue and took the map angrily. Weicheng Renjun can't help but this line of people is indeed a bit unreliable. The informant is very wronged. "I... I don't go out, I don't even have a car. It's too poor. It all blames you for being too embarrassed." Give this reward."

Mu far was too lazy to listen to his ink, pointing to a road, Weicheng driving technology is good, and soon intercepted the car, and first came to them in front, took the award nearly one kilometer, the car exceeded him, they are slower Keep up with the ground.

The informant thought that this level of tracking is very technical.

The car soon went out of the city, walked about 10 kilometers down the high speed, stopped in the depths of a small town, this is a small town living and working, the house is not high, the highest is three floors. The two men stopped in front of a small three-story house. When they entered the house, Mu Yuan began to deploy, and then let the informant stay in the car and don't run around, then lead the team.

Six people were waiting, the snipers went to the heights, and they found the commanding heights. One person kept on the necessary passage. Two people were preparing to reinforce, and Mu Yuan and Chen Dong came to play the striker. The informants watched their deployment, slightly frowning, I don’t know if it was nervous or why, clenched the fists, the sky was still early, the people in the town came and went, not a place suitable for hands-on, but things are already inside. .

"Hu Yang, how many people inside."

"Major, six people!"

Mu far nodded. "Cover us, don't cause too much movement."


There were few people inside. The reinforcements of Weicheng and a soldier also came over and left a person to see a situation on the road. A sniper, Mu Yuan opened the door with one foot. "Do not move."

He went to the door with his ankle, and the informant almost seemed to be shocked.

So rude?

I never imagined this style.

It was quickly settled. Populus euphratica still observed the situation at the highest point. The rest of the people entered the house. The local drug dealer was arrested. I wanted this red ice for a long time. Before I contacted the informant, I wanted to buy the red ice in his hand, but he didn't want it. The price was not high. At that time, the red ice just came out soon, obviously boasting that he could get the real goods, while hanging the buyer and looking for another The seller, who was eager to run, even sold a lower price, but also sold to the same person, but only after a middleman.

The informant suddenly realized, "Oh, it is you."

Mu Yuan crossed his eyes and he knew that this line of people was not an honest man.

"What you want is more than red ice." The informant looked at him with a smile and smiled. "There are a few kilograms of goods, and it won't make you so expensive."

"Major, things are not there!" Chen Donglai looked up in a panic.


I will emphasize again, Jack Mu far from the main story, by the way, fall in love, say the suggestion of irrigation, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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