Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2155: Memories of killing

Chapter 2155 Recalling the Killing

Jack looked at Mu’s guarding eyes, and he couldn’t help but know how to guard him. It’s still a good thing. “You can rest assured that I want the doctors to be in conflict with your mission.”

Mu Yuan also has some hesitation. From a rational point of view, this U disk can not be handed over. Assume that he and Jack are not acquainted, only because the mission is reunited in Myanmar. The information on this U disk is what he swears to protect.

It is not uncommon for Damei imperialism to have a variety of smashing operations on the international mission. He remembers that there was a vivid example of two examples in the last class in China.

When the three Marines of the two countries in the United Kingdom and the United States carried out their missions, they did not know why the last special forces survived. The United Kingdom was almost completely annihilated. The final investigation was because the action was leaked, but it must be executed. The bait, they did not hesitate to throw the people of his country team.

The international coalition forces’ clashes in several conflicts are the source.

China has been pitted countless times.

Emotionally, he loves Jack and knows that Jack is a man who keeps his promises and will not make such anti-human things for his subordinates who are willing to sacrifice themselves.

Mu Yuan handed the U disk to Jack. "You... don't do other moves."

"Reassured." Jack patted him on the shoulder. He knew what Mu Yuan was worried about. The Chinese special forces and the armed police forces had hundreds of lives. How could he mess around? "I don't have a self-torture."

If something goes wrong, Mu Yuan will gradually drift away from him. Why should he dig a hole for himself?

Jack listed the four major drug-making factories in the U disk data. I thought about it. He has two secret agents here. He sent people to help Mu Yuan to check it out, and there is time left.

Then his focus was on the lab.

"Lehman, this is the address of the lab. You go to find two little punks and explore the real thing. Don't overdo it."

Lehman said, "Understand."

This kind of thing he often does, knows the size.

Mu Yuan asked curiously, "Why do you want this group of doctors?"

"This group of doctors is of no use to you. It is different for us. I found that one thing may be due to different national conditions. Agent Island will not harm Asia. The evil is our North America and Europe. You occupy the right place, so these doctors are useless to you, I need them to open a mouth."

Mu Yuan snorted. "The founder of Agent Island is the people of our country. We have married people."


He could not refute!

"One thing I always wanted to ask, how many secret agents did you put in our troops?"

Jack smiled. "It's as if you didn't put a special agent in the hexagonal building. It's half a catty."


He can't refute!

Jack’s agent quickly came to the news that the four factories were basically true, and there was no problem. Jack said, “I have sent the factory in advance to check it out. No problem, your people can confirm the news before they go.”

"thank you."

Mu Yuan waited nervously for the news. He hoped that the armed police and agents would give a little strength and not have casualties. As long as there were no major casualties, this matter would be completed.

The armed police and special forces had two generals sitting in the town, and the deployment was very fast. The news came from the evening. The four major drug-making factories were all destroyed, and hundreds of kilograms of blue ice were seized and destroyed on the spot.

After Mu Yuan heard the news, a heart finally fell to the ground.

In less than an hour, a message from Mu Jianxin made him sit down. "Dad, you still have to go to the lab? King is already ready to evacuate."

"There are recipes and doctors in this group. The drug factory is destroyed and will resurrect. The symptoms are not cured. Only by destroying their labs can this be solved perfectly." Mu Jianxin said that this is two After the generals decided on the decision, the laboratory must be smashed. They also need to get the formula and ruin the formula, which can fundamentally prevent the blue ice from re-emerging.

"I want to let them know that our country is cracking down on drugs and letting them vote for them!"

(End of this chapter)

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