Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2208: Mutual pit duo

Chapter 2208 Mutual Pit Duo

Li Changfeng’s sorrowful look, his eyes flashing and screaming, as if he had to drop a tear, Mu Yuan always had a goodwill to those young people who looked good, and couldn’t help but look at the night.

You said so directly, more people poke.

At the beginning of the night, I watched Li Changfeng proudly, and a pair of Xiaosan Dengtang entered the room to play the face of the room.

"You see, Xiaoyuan didn't refute, prove that I am right, he loves his predecessor."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Jack, "..."

Rose always felt that she knew something that couldn’t be done, but she couldn’t figure it out.

Mu Yuan had to hold the mouth at the beginning of the night and it was too late to round his eyes.

Bastard! !

What are you talking about?

There are special monitors here! ! !

Does he not want to face?

But he changed his mind. He changed his screensaver and deliberately made a look of nostalgia. It wasn't that Jack felt that he couldn't let it go. At the beginning of the night, this was a sign... The side confirmed his attitude and didn't have to refute.


Did he have less time in front of Jack?

If you look at your face at the beginning, then where is the unforgettable in recent years.

Jack's mood is much more complicated. He looks at the small distance in the surveillance. He listens at the beginning of the night and says that he loves his predecessor and sees the look of Xiaoyuan, and his heart hurts.

Some love is destined to be short of regrets, but still persistent. It is not easy for people to meet people who are in love with each other in this life. He is a lucky one, so he met him so long. Because of this, time has become a shackle and has been trapped. Memories, can't go out anymore.

He thought about letting go.

He thought he could let go, if Mu Yuan could meet someone better than him, as long as he could give him happiness, let him let go, but that was just what he thought.

Li Changfeng ran out heartily, and Mu Yuan shouted and had to give up. "What do you stimulate him to do?"

"He killed the younger brother, and many people are yelling at him on the Internet. Others are not good at all, and they are not worthy of you at all." At the beginning of the night, he was also a very persistent girl.

Mu Yuan is helpless. "I and Li Changfeng are not what you think."

"I know that you don't forget your predecessor's love, and use him as a substitute." Surprising at the beginning of the night.

"How do you sound, I am like a scum?"

What is this all about?

At the beginning of the night, I accidentally saw the expensive watch that was expensive. "Isn't this the watch that mysterious people sent you? Xiao Erge said that the watch is very good, why don't you wear it?"

"I don't know who sent it, and I don't know how to do it." Mu Yuan glanced at the watch and took it violently and threw it into the drawer. He couldn't give it back.

If someone does not admit it, will it not become his own passion?

"Small, what kind of person is your predecessor?"

Mu Yuan, "..."

Little girl, I have a monitor here.

He helped the glasses, "I have no predecessor."

"The second brother said that you have."

Mu far breathed deeply. "There is actually a secret. I want to tell you that my second brother also has a predecessor."

Come on, hurt each other.

"What?" The little apple patted the table and squatted on the carpet. The whole person reached over and almost hit his chin. "Who?"

"You know that the night court has a dark guard called Ning Qingyao, one year younger than you, especially loyal, and the night court has been inseparable for several years. Later, I heard that the night court feels sorry for my sweetheart and takes people away. "Mu Yuan has sunk a bit, then shaved," I heard the bell burning, of course, the bell burning is to listen to the night mausoleum."

(End of this chapter)

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