Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2221: 诛心小二哥2

Chapter 2221 诛心小二哥2

Mu Yuan and Xiao Erge took a moment and found out that Jack Anderson was his dead hole. Except for Xie Jingwei and others, the rest did not know that the night court did not know what he heard from the night tomb, or he himself. Guessing, but also implicitly raised, and then released the self, no fear.

This time, Mu Yuan felt that he had poked his heart once. He gradually felt that he was too young. After all, he had a good relationship. After all, he was not scornful.

This makes him particularly uncomfortable.

His gaze turned to the little apple in a bad manner. He was so attractive to the little apple. Would you like to be a slapstick and seduce the little apple?

"You dare!" Mu Yuan looked at the little apple, and the night court blew his eyes.

Who is this?

"I don't have anything to dare." Mu Yuan, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling hot expression, "I was originally a pair."

The night court is suffocating.

"I also like small apples."

I was very happy to hear this sentence at the beginning of the night. Her friend likes her very much. It is perfect. "I like you too."

Night court, "..."

Mu Yuan was on the list of his enemies, and he was already the first. He suddenly climbed up a lot.

"Come, let's have a hug between friends."

The little apple ran over and hugged him. "Are you abandoning Li Changfeng?"


"That's great." The little apple, my girlfriend, finally got rid of the expression of bitter sea, and then said without any heart, "I introduce you to a good one, how do you see Wei Lin, although he does not like me, but I I think he is not bad, tall and handsome, there are not many words, you like more words, or less words."

Xiao Hong Niang looked at him with a look of expectation.

Mu Yuan, "..."

Night court, "..."

We Welin did something wrong to be arrogant.

"Wait a minute..." Why do you want to introduce Welwine at the beginning of the night? The night court came over and pulled him. "Wei Lin likes the girl."

“Do you like the difference between a girl and a man?” I didn’t understand it at the beginning of the night. She didn’t know that the world was a pair of men and women, not men and men.

Because I feel that Mu Yuan likes a man and likes a girl, she thinks that it is no different to like a man and a woman.

"Don't harm us Weiling."

Mu Yuan evil charm smiled and touched the face of the little apple. "It's better to follow me, and follow the night court."

Little apple, "...ah?"

The night court sneered, but did not say anything, the little apple left to look at the right, "Are you quarreling?"



Little apple, "..."

She intends not to intervene in this quarrel and concentrate on giving Mu Yuan a boyfriend or girlfriend, as long as it is not Li Changfeng. In the evening, for the sake of safety, Mu Yuan was taken to the monitoring room downstairs.

"I have a liquid trace in Lehman's body. You can see if he can track his position." Mu Yuan said.

"Good!" The informant immediately entered the code. Each liquid tracker has an independent code. Just after the input, it shows that Lehman is downstairs in the miss building, just next door, and can see the car of Mu Yuan.

"He is following you."

Mu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. Lehman followed him 24 hours a day. He is clear about this.

"How did you get it in his body? After the liquid was traced in, there would be a little pain. Didn't he feel it?" The night court was a little confused.

(End of this chapter)

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