Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2243: I wish Major Mu Yuan’s future a bright future.

Chapter 2243, I wish Major Mu Yuan’s future a bright future

Mu Yuan felt that he had an auditory hallucination and he was wrong.

"what did you say?"

Jack opened the mocking mode. "Mu Yuan is a major, all the things in the world have to pay the price, or you will take the initiative to provide experimental data, exchange this statement, or ... major, you have to pay the price."

Mu Yuan’s blood was boiling because of anger, but he couldn’t say a word. The whole person had some sorrow. He asked some hardships, “What price do you want me to pay?”

Jack has a heart to poke his heart, knowing that he will not exchange experimental data, this statement, their counter-terrorism office will not say.

This is a game.

It is not their final decision.

"What price do you want me to pay?" Mu Yuan smiled brilliantly. On the fight against Jack, he was really one set and one set. His smile was as sweet as he was in love. "Can meat pay? Can you know that Lieutenant Colonel Anderson is against me?" Is the body still interested?"

Jack, "..."

He fixedly looked at Mu Yuan, and he couldn't see a little bit of anger on his face. He seemed to want to puncture this layer of skin, see his true heart, and look like nothing, want to solve everything. Misunderstanding.

But he ended up just picking up his chin. "If I am interested?"

Mu far faceless expression, learned the essence of Jack's quiet voice, "I am **** myself, or do you want to have a little fun, come and take off?"

Jack, "...roll!"

"You, this person, is really difficult to serve as always. I am interested in you, and you are also calling me to roll. I am willing to use my body to exchange the innocence of my country. Do you dare to?" Mu Yuan is also a The deputy dead pig is not afraid of the expression of boiling water. "We have not done it before, your technology is not bad, I can be cool, white and cool, and I don’t need any price from my country to win the reputation. I am really I’m too happy, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, it’s better to be me.”

He seems to be the one who has no face and no skin.

Jack knows that it is different.

He really didn't dare to ask! A carnival in the end of the world, such as drinking and quenching thirst, will also make people addicted.

Xiaomu seems to know that they are quarreling, claws grabbed on Jack's trousers, scratched his instep, looked at him innocently, and Jack looked down.

What kind of pets are raised by people? This is a common saying, but the pets he raises are not like him at all, but rather the man whose eyes are clear and simple.


"Let's go!" Jack leaned over and snorted. "I wish Major Mu Yuan a bright future and everything goes smoothly."

Mu Yuan’s footsteps are as heavy as he is, and he is a little too heavy to move. He does not want to leave, and there is no reason to stay. “I finally asked, Gaoqiao’s death, really because you modified the chip, right? ?"

a long time.

Jack answered, "Yes!"

Mu Yuan’s shoulders were tight and he clicked. “Well, the Anderson’s man never lie, I believe. From now on, if I have a little bit of thought about you, I will not match my surname Mu! ”

Mu Yuan pushed the door open and strode out. Jack turned off the light and leaned against the wall.

Xiaoyuan, let's go.

I thought about it early, you are still small, and one day, this situation will pass, you will meet... a person who loves you.

(End of this chapter)

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