Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2318: Ex-boyfriend eats vinegar

Chapter 2318, before the boyfriend eats flying vinegar

Can not be said, everyone is very depressed, up to a week of planning, finally took out the little Taylor to sacrifice, even let He Chunwang run.

The biggest reason is the feat that Mu Yuan is inside.

Jack kicked Lehman with a foot and strode over. Mu far was not empty. Who knows that the wicked person complained first, "Take the car first and talk about things."

At the beginning of the night, I also tried my best to get out. "You can't bully Xiaoyuan, or I will call the police."

Lehman, "..."

We are the police.

"What the **** are you doing?" Jack whispered, and it was only a matter of watching the battle. He even disturbed a pool of water, and his plan of a good end fell short.

"Helping the grace and repairing the car, are very expensive, pay." Mu Yuan has no feelings, he feels that he is now a feelingless killer.

In the face of Jack's beauty can be immune.

Jack almost slammed the check on his face and opened a check on the grass. Mu Yuan didn't look at it. He put it in his pocket. Today he took his $200,000 flower and he didn't want it. He asked for it.

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, I am not a major in your country. I don't know your plan. Even if I know it, I have no obligation to cooperate with you. I think He Chunwang has plans. You are so confident that you can win him, not by He Chunwang. Calculated that the bait is gone, and the people are gone. It stands to reason that I feel that I have saved you and your team's life. You should thank me. You are so anxious that you are not mature."

Jack was so big, except for the last time Rayleigh was jealous that he was immature, and no one had told him that he was immature. He was so angry that he was so painful that he almost slammed.

"Since I saw Alice, I knew I would be at the scene. You should not do anything. You can watch the movie at the side. Do you think I will lose to He Chunwang?" Jack's voice was almost gloomy.

"Even if I don't come here, what do you know? You haven't caught He Chunwang in such a chaotic situation. If you don't have this chaos, you can't catch it. You are useless." He is not knowing Jack's plan, but he can see the result. Now Jack is not catching He Chunwang, \' "I see you working overtime for a few nights, tired and panic, let you go home from work early to sleep, you are fast. Thanks me."

Jack, "..."

He remembered that there was a joint operation last year. Mu Yuan also said the same thing. I helped you solve the trouble and let you go home to sleep with me. The tone was exactly the same. At that time, I thought that all kinds of people were so cute. I wanted to beat him tonight.

"You have to go back to China!" Jack took a deep breath and suppressed his temper. Fortunately, Little Taylor was fine. He had expected that He Chunwang’s voice would be expected to explode if the bomb exploded. Even if the explosion occurred, the personnel would not be damaged.

"Oh, I think I can go back to China. I will naturally return to China without your reminder."

Mu Yuan didn't feel that he was wrong. Instead, he felt that Jack was too conceited. He decided that he would catch He Chunwang. If he was so determined, why did he fail?

Can't you always fail because he is on the scene?

"What about He Chunwang, don't worry about it." Jack looked at him. "Is it OK?"


"The order that night Ling gave you is to kill him. I also have the same goal. I have killed him. I have no worries, so you do the same thing. I do the same. You don't understand?" Jack said with a strong heart. he.

Mu Yuan is trying to compete with him.

"How do you know the order of the night tomb?"

Are there traitors?

"Why don't you ask the night mausoleum, why his orders, my people can stop, is he deliberately revealed, want to borrow my hand to help you?" Jack ruthlessly broken, why this person In the back of the game, Xiaoyuan was born and killed in the dead group, even if Xiaoyuan rushed to the front line to see the situation.

Mu Yuan was countered and unable to fight back, Jack said, "unless you don't want to kill He Chunwang?"

"No!" Mu Yuan denied.

Jack sneered, "Is my heart soft?"

"Meng Qi found that He Chunwang was only a small person in the past. He did not intend to cause so many casualties to our army. The real mastermind is King. He is just a back pot..." Mu Yuan said, "My biggest conflict with him." It was that battle. If he was also used, what hatred did I have with him?"

"So, you have had a nightmare many times in recent years, dreaming of He Chunwang, dreaming of that tragedy, can you float without a hate?"

Jack looked at him coldly. "Or, you saw He Chunwang's report of the attending physician, was touched by a deep love of Mu Yuan? A man who loved you for five or six years, is it very moving? Plus He is sick now and sold badly. Is it even more unbearable?"

Mu Yuan’s face changed dramatically, “You!”

He punched the ball and hit it directly. "You shut me up!"

Regardless of his **** wounds, Jack went back with a punch and no one was willing to show weakness. "If not, how can you explain your behavior tonight!"

At the beginning of the night and Lehman were scared, Jack's hand was still hurt, the blood fell to the ground drop by bit, the temple suddenly burst into pain, his mood was a little out of control.

"I will also sell you miserable. When did you feel bad about me?" Jack asked hoarsely.

Are you stuck in traffic, little fairies?

(End of this chapter)

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