Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2339: uninvited guest

Chapter 2339 Uninvited Guest

Old Rayleigh almost squirted out of old blood, shy? God is as shy.


Amanda was speechless. "Let's go."

"Where to go, I will not leave today!" Old Rayleigh sat down in a big way, and he did not say anything about it. He refused to give up. "I have to ask, what does the major mean? Not playing with my son's feelings, splitting hands, still tangled, not to face!"

Mu Yuan, "..."

Mu Yuan had seen Jack’s parents have a dim sum, and now his face was burned up, and he couldn’t help but groan. Jack, he was very uncomfortable with him. Who is this strange?

Certainly Jack's fault!

"I don't want to face!" Jack took a deep breath. "I am entangled. We are purely physical, don't think too much."

Old Rayleigh eyes must be pulled out.

Amanda also thinks this is ridiculous.

"You..." Old Rayleigh blew up and asked Amanda, "I killed him?"

"..." Amanda's silence is gold. At this moment, there is a brake sound, and the brakes that are very urgent are ringing outside. Then someone knocks at the door, and the door knock is very urgent.

Old Rayleigh and Jack looked at each other. Jack used to open the door. A group of uniformed agents were standing at the door. Jack recognized that one person was Roosevelt’s man. He was a police investigation team. He was 38 years old and broke this year. In many cases, the ability is outstanding, and has been transferred to several departments. It is an old fritter and the promotion is very fast.

"Lieutenant Colonel Anderson, harassed, there is a murder case to ask your friend to assist in the investigation." Inspected the official business, Jack looked at the outside detective, all the guns lived, this situation is not the criminal investigation team.

They have several forces in the same department, and the division of labor is clear, and the various departments do not interfere with each other. This supervision is higher than Jack at the departmental level.

"My friend?" Jack sneered, opened the door, invited them to come in, the inspection was ready to search, brought a large number of people into the vastness, and saw the old Rayleigh and Amanda sitting on the sofa on.

Inspected the back of the cold, the old Rayleigh is an old fox, just trained Jack, mad at the feet, seeing outsiders holding tea, a gentle and light gesture, a glimpse of the eyelids is a kind of bureaucracy For more than two decades, he has been in a real position, and he has been arrogant and embarrassed by the system.

"Jack, what's the matter?"

The inspector thought of a surprise attack. When he thought that Anderson’s family was there, he hurriedly laughed and said hello. Amanda didn’t give him a look. He narrowed his eyes and turned a magazine to look at him.

Jack said, "Dad, I am still confused. Smith inspected that there is a murder case for my friend to assist in the investigation. I don't know what murder case involves my friend?"

When the inspector was riding a tiger, it was thought that Roosevelt was behind him. He also had full evidence, and his heart was not empty. He directly took out the evidence and Jack glanced at the murder case.

After Mu Yuan went to the flyover that day, a tramp had contact with him. Later, he was taken away by Lehman to ask questions. Soon after, the tramp died under the bridge. The surveillance happened to capture Mu Yuan’s passing over the bridge. And had contact with the tramp, and found the sketch of Mu Yuan in the wanderer's sundries.

(End of this chapter)

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