Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2342: The same situation

Chapter 2342, the same situation

Amanda glanced at the old Rayleigh, his eyes slightly looking upstairs, indicating that he said a few words.

Old Rayleigh received it, and it was not too much.

Jack didn't answer, and Old Rayleigh was in a hurry. He used to kick him. "Are you dumb?"

"Dad, we are very simple physical relationships, we will not involve others, you can rest assured."

Old Rayleigh is not trying to listen to this sentence. "If you don't think you are a little pleasing to the eye, I have already killed you."

Amanda, "..."

Old Rayleigh's temper is more popular. The couple are both hot and cold. Jack's character is not like Old Rayleigh. No matter what he said, Jack is showing a cold face that is indifferent.

Old Rayleigh lowered his voice. "You can handle this matter quickly. Yesterday, I took the little Taylor as a bait and failed. You can't entangle He Chunwang again."

"Yes, I understand."

He has been waiting for He Chunwang.

"As long as you know!"

Amanda said, "Let's go, give them some time."

Old Rayleigh was very uneasy at the door. He wanted to go in and ask Jack to make a message. He always felt that there was no one-word. He was very guilty and had no confidence at all.

In case one of the sons can't figure out what is going on, he can't wait to clean up, so it's awful.

Amanda hurriedly stopped him. "Okay, don't make trouble."

"I am not in trouble, you see who is in trouble, your son is in trouble."

"My son, you have no share?"

Old Rayleigh snorted, and their husband and wife were owed to their children, so they were always more indulgent. Jack never let them worry about and take care of themselves. Their husband and wife did not expect to bring them so much in adulthood. Trouble.

Amanda said, "If you have time to entangle him here, it is better to look for Roosevelt's handle. I think Smith brought people over and must have discovered something. He Chunwang is clear about their affairs. If he gave Roosevelt, he must I will try to catch up on this matter and make a fuss. Then you have a headache."

"I will kill the Lord when I am."

"Oh!" Amanda ignored him and went straight to the car. "Can't you go?"

Old Rayleigh was also a special soldier. Amanda went to the battlefield. After a period of special commissioner, Old Rayleigh used to be her bodyguard. In the process of going up the road, Amanda’s status has always been suppressed. Above the top, the next command is very overbearing.

"Go!" Old Rayleigh glanced at the small house behind him and got out of the car.

Amanda thought, very good, still acquainted.

Upstairs, Mu Yuan sat on the sofa in the bedroom, crossed his legs, and held a bear pillow. He didn't know what he was thinking, some were dazed, the curtains were not pulled up, the light in the bedroom was not very good, only a little light leaked. Come in.

Jack strode in and Mu Yuan blinked. "Your parents are gone?"


Mu Yuan said, "If my dad, I must come up to interrupt your leg."

Mu Muye’s temper is tempered. If he bumps into this kind of thing, he is in his own home. If he wants to blow up, it’s light to expel him.

After a doomsday revelry, they are still a dead knot.

Still have to go their own way, those passions, like clouds, will eventually dissipate.

He once heard a story from a friend.

She is a woman. She has been married to her husband for several years and has never given birth. She is a military doctor and she is very busy at work. Her husband has a woman outside and a child.

She does not love her husband. If she really loves her husband, this crime is exposed and he will go to jail.

Can not love, but also not reconciled.

One day, on a typhoon day, the plane was delayed for one night. She spent a night in the airport, smashing her first boyfriend, and each had a family, but at the airport, she thundered fire and came to a passionate situation. .

After dawn, the woman put on her clothes and boarded the baggage with her luggage. Since then, the two have no connection. The joy of the fish and water that night is like a dream.

And his first love, also embarked on a plane to another city.

He and Jack... are in the same situation.

(End of this chapter)

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