Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2353: Xiaoyuan was taken away

Chapter 2353 Xiao Yuan was taken away

Mu Yuan didn't want to answer her at all. She felt that it was a waste of time to answer her.

The female agent is not arrogant. "I pretend to be someone else and never made a mistake. For this reason, I deliberately spent three days imitating the voice of Alice, getting used to the action, reviewing her resume, investigating her background, trying to How do you see yourself more like her?"

She felt incredible.

This top floor is only at the beginning of the night and Xiaoju. It was very foolish at the beginning of the night. It was not a long time to meet Alice. It should not be very familiar. Xiaoju would not be familiar with it. She would like to come up with ease. Major Mu Yuan and Alice did not. And, should not focus on Alice, and he is a man, his heart will not be so detailed, she is sure, she will not reveal flaws.

"You are too anxious." Mu far sneered. "It should be that He Chunwang is too anxious. Even if I don't agree with Alice, I know that she is a very measured person. She and the early night have recognized each other for so long. Not on the top floor of the miss, although the night court will not refuse, she knows the size, understands her identity, knows how to avoid it, because she loves her sister and will not make her sister embarrassed."

"And..." Mu Yuan paused and sneered. "She is Jack Anderson. Her behavior represents Jack Anderson. He can't let Alice go upstairs. Alice has no reason to avoid it. Up, even if invited at the beginning of the night, she will refuse, and it is even more impossible to make a meal for personally. I will try it, even if I guess wrong, my knife will not be in her eyes. At most, I am a few words, what is the loss?"

The female agent’s face sank, and Mu Yuan suddenly grabbed a knife and fork and attacked Alice. “Xiaoju, leaving at the beginning of the night, warning!”


At the same time as Mu Yuan attacked the female agent, Xiao Ju left with the early night, and intended to press the alarm on the top floor of the miss. Who knows that suddenly the eyes closed at the beginning of the night and fell to the ground.

"Miss at the beginning of the night!" Xiaoju exclaimed, Mu Yuanzheng attacked the female agent. Suddenly, she felt that her wrist could not make up her strength. Even a small knife and fork could not hold it and landed on the ground. Losing all the power, the female agent took a step forward and slammed him on the neck of Mu Yuan, stunned him.

The shock was in the blink of an eye, Mu Yuan had no time to react, Xiaoju also fell to the side of the night, lost consciousness, the female agent set up Mu Yuan, went directly to the elevator.

She did not have the power to open the elevator, but Mu Muyuan had, she pulled Mu Yuan's finger, pressed on the fingerprint reader, the elevator opened, and she took Mu Yuan directly to the underground garage.

In the monitoring room, the indoor monitoring of the top floor has a single channel. Two informants are responsible, and two girls are responsible. Since the miss building was established, there was no incident on the top floor. Sometimes the monitoring will shoot two less. Some pictures of animals, so the information workers are very loose, they are also very confident about their defense system.

The two girls occasionally looked up and watched the surveillance, and then distracted to take charge of Meng Qi’s surveillance channel and gave him a position. One of the information officers, when they looked up at the top floor for the fifth time, suddenly frowned, just left their eyes and fell back. The monitor screen is what Alice is cooking, Mu Yuan and Xiao Ju, what is being said at the beginning of the night.

What the girl saw was the picture of Alice cutting potatoes.

(End of this chapter)

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