Chapter 2498, let's go home.

After the meeting.

The night tomb entered the office, and the bell ignited. "I haven't found anyone to check the line yet. I have deliberately revealed the flaw."

"No hurry." The night faint said, "If I were them, I would be more patient. He must have studied my character and routines. I know that I will fight back. Don't worry, don't send a message to Mu Yuan. We are more patient than one."

"Yes!" The night mausoleum is not in a hurry. Now he can probably delineate several suspect targets, but he does not want to be exposed too early. "Get off work as usual."

"it is good!"

Yunan home.

After Yun’an and Li Chen got married, they lived in Lichen’s house. The house in Yun’an was always empty, and they rarely stayed. Occasionally, the two of them would come over for a night. Because they were not short of money, they had renovated very well. I don’t want to rent it to people I don’t know, and Yunan sits on the sofa and looks at a pen in a daze.

Shen Qianshu asked Gu Yuanli to ask Gu Yuan’s relics, which was actually the pen that Yunan gave him, and it was a recording pen. There was no sound in the recording. The file did not know that it was deleted, or never said anything. Yunan looked at the pen in a daze, and there was a car coming from the door. Yunan had no time to escape. Li Chen had already opened the door.

"Xiao An... How come here and don't say anything, call you not to pick up."

"I... I have something." Yunan took the pen and tightened her heart. He felt that he was crazy. Since Li Chen admitted that he was Gu Yuanan, he never doubted it.

Li Chen has too many Gu Yuan's shadows, behavior habits, some familiar little movements, and his meticulous care, which gives him some familiarity. They have avoided Li Chen, not talking about Li Chen, he is grateful to himself. When the lover comes back, he occasionally mentions the previous things. Li Chen does not like it at all. He is not a person who likes memories.

Therefore, Yunan avoided the past.

Recently, he inexplicably began to be suspicious. Is Li Chen really Gu Yuanan?

When he did not know that Li Chen was Gu Yuanan, he already loved Li Chen, but he always felt betrayed by Gu Yuanan, so he always felt that if they were alone, how good.

However, if Li Chen just followed his heart, deceive him.

Isn't he Gu Yuan?

If he is Gu Yuanan, why...he wants to do that?

He heard Li Chen's phone call.

Yunan deliberately put the pen in front of him, but his heart was nervous, if he could not recognize the pen?

"How is this pen here?" Li Chen smiled, took the pen in his hand, put it in the palm of his hand, looked up at Yunan, Yunan tried to laugh naturally, "I asked Qianshu, your home. I don't know if you are still alive, I think... I will bring some of your belongings."

He did not tell Thousand Trees, Li Chen is his eldest brother.

Li Chen wants to live a new life. Now his family is also calm. He doesn't want to go to the past, and he doesn't want to make trouble between his brothers. Yunan respects his ideas.

"Do you remember the pen?"

"Remember, you send it, naturally remember." Li Chen looked at the pen and sighed in his heart. "Xiao'an, what's the matter, tell me directly, don't hide from me, can you?"

Yun An’s heart is very uncomfortable. I feel that I am very hateful. Shouldn’t he doubt Li Chen?

" are you really big brother?"

"of course."

"Then why are you, want to... destroy the ghost town? Isn't that your home? I heard you talking on the phone. If you are a big brother, how can you deal with your family?"

Li Chen was awkward, and the atmosphere was terrible. He slowly put down the pen and the voice condensed. "So you suspect that I lied to you, I am not Gu Yuanan?"


Li Chen was annoyed and helpless. "Xiao, you... why don't you ask me directly?"

"I don't dare." Yunan struggled. "I have been so happy during this time. I don't want to lose all of this. I am afraid to ask you, you will yell at me and say that I don't trust you. But I really don't understand." You tell the family that you are alive and happy, why do you want to hide it? The ghost town is now calm, and if you are alive, everyone must be very happy."

"Li Chen died because of me, and it is... Xiao An, I have my own considerations."

"Well, you can't tell your family that you are alive, then why should you deal with them? They also have the kind of parenting for you."

"I didn't deal with them." Gu Yuanan was smirked. "How can you think about me like this?"

"You gave me a sleeping pill, secretly yelling at me, I heard it."

"I am giving you sleeping pills. You are not sleeping well. Where did you go?"

Yunan’s face was red. Recently, in order to adopt a child, he still did a test tube baby. They discussed it and argued that he did have a little insomnia. He didn’t fall asleep well and went to work in the morning.

"Who is the person on the phone? Why do you say that you have already broken off with Gu Jiaen? How do you deal with the family? You don't care, you will help."

"The phone is played by Li Chen's big brother. He wants revenge. He also knows that I exchanged things with Li Chen. It's just a bit complicated. I just want to be with him. I don't really have to deal with Gu. You have to believe. I." Li Chen said softly, "Li Can is not an impulsive person. Deliberately revealing the flaws to me, there must be a reason. I have always shown in front of him that the ghost city is in a state of perfection. This drama cannot be broken. Xiao An, if there is anything in the future, I must talk to me first."

Yunan gritted his teeth and grabbed his hand nervously. "Are you going to be dangerous?"

"will not."


"Really!" Li Chen promised, "I am still alive if you are there."

"If you tell the family directly, it is Li Can who is doing bad things in the back. Don't take risks. You are just a jewelry designer. Don't be reluctant."

"Now I know that I am worried, I still suspect that I am not your man."

"Where am I, you scared me." Yunan yelled at him. "You dare to say me."

"The wicked first complained!" Li Chen grabbed his ankle and leaned over to hug him. "Xiao'an, I want to give you a safe life, and I want the ghost city to wash all the industries as soon as possible. So, I must know who it is." Do this all the time behind the scenes, otherwise the symptoms will not be cured, don't worry about me, nothing will happen."

"You always worry me." Yunan blinked his eyes and grabbed his shoulder. "I am just too scared to lose you again. I have once passed that kind of time, and once again I can't hold it."

Li Chen was so painful and hugged him, "Reassured, there will be no next time, I promise!"

"No lie to me."

"Okay, I love you!" He kissed Yunan's ear and said, "Let's go home."


The first three chapters of today are my update errors. I have changed the second chapter and the third chapter. I forgot the first chapter. I replaced it later. It is not a repeated update. You can see all the updates today. There is no repeated deduction, thank you little fairies.

See you in Ming Dynasty, today's chapters are long, there are 5k5.

(End of this chapter)

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