Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2508: Professional Master Mu Yuan

Chapter 2508 Major Potter Major

Lu Mengxi said, "I don't know this, I am obeying."

"Oh, why do you have to act obeying, what is your relationship with Li Can, Li Can wants to pull down the night tomb, I can understand, what about you? How do you know Li Can and how he refers to you? ?" Mu Yuan asked.

Lu Mengxi seems to recall what, after a while, "In the first half of last year, Li Can found me and told me the identity of Shen Qianshu, and also told me the identity of the night tomb, the mood that I had already relieved instantly collapsed, what is the identity of Shen Qianshu, the ghost city Miss Qianjin, who is the night tomb, is the special director, why does he prefer to gamble on his own future, but also choose Shen Qianshu? I am so unbearable, he would rather choose a gangster than accept me..."

"You don't look at yourself very high. What is your identity? Who is the choice of the night mausoleum? It is the night mausoleum. Your background is so clear. You are the representative of Mr. Yuan in Asia. You don't need me to give you a list of Mr. Yuan. Criminal record, on identity, what is the difference between you and Shen Qianshu? You read more and read, and your mind is stupid." Mu far swears at her.

Cai Zhou coughed.

Chen Dong said, "The major, calm."

This is the trial!

The reason why sinners become sinners is because their magical brain circuits are different from normal people.

Lu Mengxi is not angry. "Yes, I was on the road for a while, and I was fooled by Li Can. I was wrong, and I made a mistake in the next step. I always wanted to do things for him. I just wanted to regret the night, originally. I have a marriage contract with him. If he does it honestly, nothing will happen. I will even be his servant."

"Oh, if I remember correctly, the old lady is holding the line, I want you to marry the night mausoleum, it is for you to kiss the pro, but the outside world has been rumored that the night mausoleum is awkward, unsociable and ugly, you I can't see it, I know very clearly that I heard you in a year, and the night mausoleum is not as good as Li Zhiyuan. At least knowing the roots, you can't see any marriage, you must pursue your own happiness. This is what you said. You have swollen your face, happy?" Mu Yuan thought, he and the girl for the first time felt that they could not communicate.

"That is the rumor of the outside world. It is not true. Since I saw him, I am willing to fulfill the marriage contract."

"The Qing Dynasty has been dead for more than 100 years. Big sister, now is a free marriage contract. You have been soaked in the capital imperialist countries for so many years, and even so feudal. I didn't expect you to be a feudal guardian in your bones."

"Cough and cough, major..." Chen Donglai has a headache, and he has a problem!

Mu far breathed deeply. "Well, even if you love to hate, you want to see the night to regret, then why find Feng family?"

"Ghost City's smuggling mode is a bit like MLM. He is the general agent. Below is a dealer of Feng family. Then there is Fengjia anti-dumping to major merchants. People in ghost towns are not in good contact. Shen Qianshu will certainly be prepared for me. Feng family started the easiest, and this is also Li Can give me advice. As long as Feng Jia fell, the ghost city pleaded guilty, the relationship between the night mausoleum and the ghost town was announced, and his black silk hat could not be saved." Lu Mengxi said faintly.

Mu Yuan’s eyes are too lazy to turn over. “You are very naive. If you have this IQ, you can only be a cannon fodder. When you are a gunman, you will see you more. How do you specifically frame Feng’s family?”


This trial lasted for nearly two hours and was broadcasted in real time to the special circumstances. In addition to the nightlings alone, there were Mu generals, General Yang and others, and several high-powered amnesties. I am listening to this trial.

One of the big sisters also looked at the night tomb, the meaning is very obvious, peach blossom debt?

Long such a face, it will indeed provoke a peach blossom debt.

There is no feeling at night.

Li Can has been controlled by people.

Mu Yuan’s trial also digs up a lot of things. It’s better to say that Lu Mengxi also fled the laboratory through Feng Huai and fled in Li Ze. Li Can also helped, passport, money, and asset transfer. Li Can was behind the scenes.

Even Li Ze’s third party selling data is Li Can’s help.

I was shocked to hear the big men in the room.

Mu Yuan always felt strange and couldn't say it. "A director, such a big power? Who else is behind Li Can?"

Lu Mengxi said, "I know only Li Can, you want to know, you have to ask him."

Mu far nodded and felt that he was justified. He did not delve into it. Lu Mengxi asked, "Oh, Major Mu Yuan, Li Can also mentioned that you committed a big crime."

The night tomb squinted slightly, and General Mu had been sitting in the army, and heard this sentence unconsciously straightened back.

Mu Yuan is very calm, "Oh, what crime did I commit?"

"Treason!" Lu Mengxi smiled slightly, the night totem index finger slightly pressed the table, the people who listened to this trial, not only the night tomb and Mu general, but will be recorded throughout the case, if he is Mu Yuan, smart then After the gag, I don’t want to pick up the topic of Lu Mengxi. She is obviously deliberate.

Mu Yuan is a fearless look. "It’s better to tell you what kind of law I have violated. Can Li Can give me such a big hat? If I have a treason, this is the feudal era, our family can I am arrogant."

General Mu, "..."

Night Mausoleum, "..."

All the eyes of the people looked at General Mu, and General Mu was mad at his hair. If he could catch Mu Yuan, he would have beaten him.

Why are you not a dumb?

You don't talk no one when you are dumb! ! !

General Mu can only pray that Mu Yuan can be a bit of a measure. Remember the video and broadcast. Don’t say anything, and are the people around him dead? No one is going to stop him from talking nonsense?

In fact, Hu Yang Cai Zhou and others were also stunned. The technical soldiers’ small pumpkins coughed desperately to make the eyes look like sheep, but unfortunately nobody cares about him.

General Yang said, "Old Mu, your son is terrific, and you can say anything."

General Mu’s face was pig-colored and he did not answer.

OK, I am lying and laughing! ! !

See you in Minger! ! ! The girls remember to buy books collections!

(End of this chapter)

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