Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2553: Xiaoyuan and Zhongzhao

Chapter 2553 Xiao Yuan and Zhong Zhao

"Your dad even blows out the wedding invitations. Are you at home, don't invite people to come to eat, like words?" Mu said, "You are also ruining the reputation of others outside, saying that you are pregnant, always have to entertain."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Really regretted the intestines, he licked this big mouth, everything said to his wife, it is really the cartilage head!

So angry!

"Know it!" Mu far was bored.

Mu mother looked at him and braved the head of the slag, thinking about finding a wig for him. Mu Yuan rolled his eyes. "You say, I will not go?"

"Good, good, good, don't wear, then you clean yourself up."

"Know it." How much I am in your eyes?

After sending Ms. Mu, Mu Yuan didn’t take this matter to heart. He took out the telescope and looked at the old Yang’s house not far away. The two were still talking. Mu Yuan frowned. “Two bad old men. Said the family, talk for so long."

Old Yang family.

"You guess, will there be someone on the Mu family to shoot us."

"You deliberately drink tea in the yard, isn't it just people?"

The two men smiled and touched the teacup.

"Mu's son... there must be a problem!" General Yang said. "Unfortunately, you can't torture it and you can't ask."

After all, the identity is special, and then dare to say that his feelings have problems. People take out the medals, take out the record, slap the face, and then cry to say that they question the innocence of the agents who were born and died in the front line. This crime is too big, and no one wants to carry it. If not, he really has to go through it.

"It’s just a matter of words, you are still serious."

"This kind of thing is not uncommon. You see Shan Junyu and Li Can."

"It's still not very likely. What is Mu Yuan's identity? He doesn't faint himself. No one can catch the handle. The other party is..." Uncle Shan couldn't say a word, and he didn't believe it.

"His exit record is too suspicious."

Mu Yuan in the period of love did not think about it. One day, his departure record will become evidence that others will catch him.

"If you doubt it, you are only skeptical, can let Lieutenant Colonel Anderson open." Uncle Uncle said, "If Lieutenant Colonel Anderson admits, this matter can't escape, and whether he is true or not, This kind of wind, he can't keep in the army."

"You just brainwashed Shan Junyu like this?"

"I just provide you with an idea. If Shan Junyu is gone, it will be gone. I don't care. Yang Kuan's business, you don't want to find a chance to attack?"

"Contact a foreign military officer to frame Mu Yuan, things have been exposed, do you think ... I can escape?" General Yang Yang is easy to avoid traps, he is not so stupid.

"As long as the benefits are enough, Lieutenant Colonel Anderson will open up, who will sell us?"

General Yang’s contemplation, this is too risky. He didn’t take the idea for a while, just pour tea to his uncle. This is a high risk and can be profitable if Lieutenant Colonel Anderson agrees.

It is a devastating blow to Mu Yuan.

It is devastating to the entire Mu family.


Mu Yuan did not know that he was talking about himself, and after taking some photos, he archived them. Hu Yang knew that he had taken a photo and couldn't help but ask, "What do you do with the photos, and you don't monitor them and don't know what they say."

"You don't understand this. This is unpredictable. If one day I am framed by them, I can save more evidence. It is just a little evidence. They can take photos to frame me. Why can't I make photos with photos? ""

(End of this chapter)

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