Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2710: Small distance in the monitoring

Chapter 2710, Xiaoyuan in Monitoring

The connection between him and the night mausoleum, in addition to Mu Yuan, there will be no other people.

"Mu Yuan has disappeared and has been on the ninth day."

Jack heard the news that made him fall into the abyss without any precautions. He stood in the desert and looked at the past. There was no limit. The yellow sand was continuous, tragic and strong. Jack in a combat suit seemed to be in the yellow sand.

Nine days...

He clenched his cell phone, and the temple jumped suddenly. He couldn’t go to accuse the night mausoleum. Why did he say that for three days, you only noticed on the ninth day, "Location, passing."

Jack listened to the night to say the matter, and took out the signal flare from the back, ignited the signal flare in the desert, and the red fireworks rushed to the sky.

Yuling said it briefly. "I have expanded the search and rescue scope and looked for the surveillance video of the accident that day. There is no clue. I don't even know who did it. On that day, half of the merchants died on the merchant ship. It was children and women who were kept in the cabin. Several people were rescued. In the intensive care unit, the property on board was robbed."

Jack stood in the yellow sand and sent his latitude and longitude to Lehman. He closed his eyes and his fingers trembled a little. "The hurricane pirates, this is their unique style."

Jack’s other cell phone rang and there was an email. “I have confirmed with the Somali agents that the hurricane pirates were in the Somali city and they should stop sailing.”

In the heart of the night, he also guessed that it was a hurricane pirate. It was just that there was no basis for it. The pirates had different styles. The hurricane pirates were really angry and angry, but they have rarely appeared in this area.

"Mu Yuanyi had an accident. My drone took three rounds and expanded the scope. I did not miss any ship and did not see a pirate ship." Yuling said.

Perhaps they are grounded and boarded.

The drone is ignored.

Jack typed another hand and talked to the night tomb. The sound did not fluctuate. "Night Ling, you should keep your promise."

He hung up the phone.

The helicopter sent by Lehman came.

Jack rushed to pick up his own things. When he got up, he didn't know if he was absent-minded. He was too anxious. He almost fell in the yellow sand. Jack picked up his equipment bag and ran to the helicopter. He got on the plane and "returned to the base." ”

"Yes, sir!"

He knows that this is no stranger to the night, and the world is impermanent. Maybe he thought that Xiaoyuan was missing and he could find it soon, but if he told him earlier, tell him earlier...

Jack forced himself to concentrate on the day's battle reports and positions sent by General Little Taylor, as well as the video on board.

The medical helicopter took Chen Dong to leave. Mu Yuan and Xiao Qiao stood on the deck and said goodbye. The sun was very good that day. When Mu was young, he always loved to be flat and save more trouble. In the past few years, he has cherished his hair, cut a pretty handsome and clean hair, and his body is stronger than a few years ago. He completely took off the youthfulness of his youth.


His little far.

Jack’s heart violently jumped, almost greedily watching the video that was less than five minutes, watching his calm eyebrows, the innocent and obsessive teenager, who had grown up in places he could not see. A single, steady and savvy young officer.

This should be the scene he is most gratified and most eager to see.


(End of this chapter)

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