Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 2877: Too ugly, don't want to see people

Chapter 2877 is too ugly, I don't want to see people.

This husband screamed very full of enthusiasm, but also ate a lesson, five points to get up training, or Jack was bullied to two o'clock in the morning, in the bed became a mud.

After the end, Mu Yuan could not lift a finger.


I was hungry, and I was so consumed. Mu Yuan wanted to cry without tears. I felt like I was going to be hungry. Jack went downstairs and cooked an egg for him, and licked the protein for him to eat.

"Not enough!" Not enough is not enough, but he is going to sleep and die, and finally the meal is not enough. There is only one thought before going to bed, Jack can't climb the bed.

He doesn't want to run this friend!

Dr. Bard looked at Jack's latest analysis report, Shen said, "Jack, your situation is no longer a doctor, can someone restrain, do you need me to keep it?"

It’s better to stay in the light bulb during this time.

The dog food is full.

Mu Yuan is doing a pull-up in the yard. His body line is already very beautiful. The whole person is thin. Although the abdomen is still muscleless, the line is already strong. Under the sun, sweat passes along the chest and wears a The man in the shorts exudes an adult man in charm, and the pull-ups are very uniform and beautiful.

Seeing Mu Yuan training is a pleasure.

Because it looks good.

The whole picture is like a movie.

"Thank you, Dr. Bard." Jack didn't leave Mu Yuan. "Fortunately, I have a new life during this time."

"Polite." After all, I received such a high cost in a year, and the treatment was very hard.

"Jack, the road ahead is not easy to go, step by step must be very careful."

"I know!"

After this twist, he knows that the road ahead is not good.

Mu Yuan did two pull-ups, sweating, the phone rang, a long-lost name, Shan Ning.

Mu far raised his eyebrows and answered the phone. "Hey, Shan Ning..."

"Small far, is the injury good?"

"That's good!" Mu Yuan said, taking a towel and sweating, panting, can not help but compare the physical strength, in the past to do three hundred no problem, now two hundred are tired.

Really weak chicken!

"Where are you going to recover?"

Mu Yuanxin was vigilant. "In a place where the sky is warm, my vacation took only three months. I have been recovering recently. There is nothing to do. Going home is also going to the military training. Is there anything I can do?"

Shan Ning paused. "Well, I am promoted. I want to have a meal with you. We haven't seen you for a long time."

Shan Ning is definitely not the ambassador to the United States at this age, but his position is very high. It is the top five. It is really fast to be promoted. It is such a good result when he is nearly 30 years old. It is expected that he will become a US ambassador in the future. Things can't be used for seven or eight years.

"Congratulations, you are faster than my older brother!" Mu Yuan said that the promotion of Shan Ning is fast and his ability is inseparable. In recent years, it has also solved many diplomatic problems and difficulties.

General Mu is full of praise for Shan Ning. Many complicated problems, he can adjust a lot in the middle, and the above meaning, Shan Ning, can always express clearly and protect his citizens. It is an excellent diplomacy. official.

He was born to eat this meal.

"No." Shan Ning is modest. "I have been away from home all the year round. I also hope that I can change it with my older brother. Are you... convenient to eat together? I have three days off."

“Not very convenient.” Mu Yuan refused. “I have been injured for three months, I have grown a flesh, I am too ugly, I don’t want to see people.”

(End of this chapter)

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