Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 838: Big brother is big brother

Chapter 838 Big Brother is Big Brother

The night mausoleum took a deep breath and calmed down. The night court was reminded by the night, and suddenly realized, "Big brother, do you think this product has penetrated into the Fortress?"

"You tell me, can the aircraft read me and your video material?"

"Impossible!" said the night court, "Big brother, you are angry, eliminate fire, this product is stolen, it is indeed a small matter, I did not expect it to be so smart, will be used in the Fortress."

"Ha ha ha ha, big brother has always been non-Emirates, his face is not good hahahaha!"

The night court stunned the night with a slap in the face, "Shut up, big brother, you listen to me, this batch of products, in addition to the successful solar modeling, some functions are not perfect, absolutely can not enter the Rose Fortress indoor, if it is In the Fortress, the security system will issue a warning. Therefore, even if it is stolen, she can only use it outside the Fortress, and monitor the Fortress from the periphery and cannot enter the home."

"you sure?"

"OK!" said the night court, "Firebug is adding a new feature that can remotely read all radios... data."

"Wow!" said the night, "The second brother is simply an open existence."

The night tomb face is expressionless, and the night court coughs. "The new product is still not perfect. Please rest assured."

“Immediately upgrade the security system of Fort Lauderdale, Paris, and City A, immediately, immediately!”

"Yes, brother!" The night court is very well-behaved. "The security system is developed and upgraded with the product. If there is an aircraft approaching, the security system will issue a warning so that you know..."

"Wait a minute, if you improve it, if the aircraft is close, turn off the alarm sound, just display the monitor display."

Night court, "..."

Big Brother, your request... a little bit!

"is it hard?"

"Big brother, it is necessary to add a new instruction. This change is not as simple as buying Chinese cabbage. You may have to wait a few days. After the change, we still have to test it. It is estimated to be about four days."

"Are you sure that the aircraft can't enter the room?"

"Yes!" said the night court. "There is no alarm in the room. I cut my head!"

"What do I want your head to do?"

Night court, "..."

Brother, just send a poison oath, do not have to answer me so seriously.

Night, "Brother, brother, I have to play for a few more days and go home, don't think about me."

"I don't want to!" said the Mausoleum of the Night, "hanging."

It was not the first time that he was squatting in the night court. The night tomb was used to being occasionally smothered by his brother. Fortunately, it did not cause much damage. If it was only the periphery, he was not worried about safety.

The nightling stood up and walked over to the bed and opened the curtains.


In the range of Fortune Castle, if you want to sniper, you must be in the tree, there are no tall trees nearby, in order to prevent snipers and some people from stealing, and to understand everything, the study has always been wearing curtains.

He opened the window, downstairs, a cluster of flowers, beautiful, outdoor monitoring, can be monitored, only their outdoor action, Shen Qianshu training, in addition, that day, the doctor of the Central Hospital came to the Fortress, just in In the garden.

No wonder!

The night sneer, the hand of the black rose, stretched long enough!

If the water lily and the toxin of the child's painting have nothing to do with it, then his hypothesis will not be established. What caused the child's painting on the same day?

(End of this chapter)

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