Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 912: Dad and little princess

Chapter 912 Dad and Little Princess

They are collectively worried.

If the big and the young are a slap in the face of a young master, are we giving up the young master, or is it a shot to kill the big and the young?

It is a thousand years old puzzle!

The children's painting went to the front of the night tomb, and the heart shivered. The corner of the eye saw the hole that was pulled out of the wall. The heart was silent. Is our Roewe Fortress a paper? If it wasn't paper, he would punch it and I would become a patties.


On the other hand, he is very calm, after all, is an actor.

It’s time to test the acting.

"Dad!" The children's painting shouted sweetly, and the security guards took a breath, and the pink figure, like a lark, flew into the arms of the night tomb, and the sound was sweet and greasy. "Dad, I miss you."

A strong **** taste came over, interrupting the confession of the children's paintings, and he sneaked a sneeze.

Security, "..."

Little Master is an iron man every day!

Such a big and small, he dared to hold.


In the castle, there is no sound in silence.

Everything is fixed in the moment when the children's paintings embrace the night tomb.

Shen Qianshu did not know why, tears flowed.

In this scene, he waited for seven years.

I finally saw the child.

The first personality of the gentleman, at least her companionship, has the laughter of children's paintings.

He... nothing.

Only endless pain.

The old clock snorted.

Broke the silence of the castle.


"Dad, I miss you, my name is children's drawing." The little boy's painting reveals a pink and tender smile. From the good, "You are a pretty cute and smart little princess."

Security, "..."

Little Master, you are very sincere.

"My, my..." The nightling smiled happily. Shen Qianshu was full of sadness. He laughed and made people want to cry more. The atmosphere changed from killing, and instantly turned into warmth.

The night mausoleum looked greedily at the children's paintings, full of **** hands, trying to touch the children's paintings, and afraid of getting dirty like him, only to mutter back to himself, "my, my..."

The child's drawing held his hand. "Dad, are you sleepy, can you sleep well?"

The night mausoleum calmed down for less than three minutes, suddenly became awkward, the whole body muscles rose, the scarlet eyes, showing the killing, "cheat me, lie to me... ah..."

Zhong burning yelled, "Little Master!"

Shen Qianshu rushed over and hugged him. "Sir... no one hurts you, don't..."

"Roll!" The night tomb screamed and punched in the abdomen of Shen Qianshu.

Shen Qianshu’s face was pale and the situation was clear. Why did it suddenly change? “Sir, no one hurts... you...”

"Just shot!" Zhonghuan yelled!

The children's paintings clung to the night mausoleum, and the needles pierced into the neck of the night mausoleum. In the stunned eyes of Shen Qianshu, a good shot was given to the night mausoleum. The night mausoleum was like a wild beast that resisted and stubbornly took a slap in the face. One meter away.

This was followed by an anesthetic bullet that hit the shoulders of the Night Mausoleum.

One, two...


The children's picture curled up on the ground and was ignited by the bell. "Little Master, Little Master, how are you?"

The whole picture was coherent and neat, as if it had been practiced countless times. In less than a minute, the dust settled, and the night mausoleum fell straight on the promenade. A pair of scarlet eyes seemed to be dead.

Shen Qianshu glanced at the children's painting and saw that he was not in serious trouble. He hurriedly rushed to the night tomb. "Mr., sir..."

The security personnel quickly took over and took the night mausoleum into the room.

Bo Yiren and several doctors rushed to the castle. When they finally arrived at the castle, they went upstairs and took over all the things. The hands and feet of the night tomb were copied to the bed, and the thin people immediately gave him three shots.

They came very fast, and Shen Qianshu didn't have time to react. She looked at the security guards and looked at the castle in a mess. A servant who heard the movement came out and looked at the scene with fear.

"Miss Shen, are you okay?" Zhong Rong shouted at her, but the voice was very far away, and all the sights in front of her eyes were blurred.

Shen Qianshu looked at this scene with a desperate look, and suddenly he was black.



The rest of the night, the mother urged me to go relatives!

(End of this chapter)

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