Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 943: Brother and brother

Chapter 943 brother and brother Christine

Gu Yuanli was tired and returned to Gu's Manor.

Gu Xie is waiting for him at the door of his small villa. Recently, the feelings of the father and son of the family have warmed up. Everyone is used to going home. Gu Xie saw him greet him. "Two brothers, where have you been? How can you not?" band?"

"I went to the port to distract my heart." Gu Yuanli said that he took a picture of Gu Xie's shoulder. "Go back to rest."

He walked in, Gu Xie thought about it, followed him in, and stopped talking, Gu Yuanli asked, "What happened?"

"Second brother, are you having something to look at me?"

"Nothing is glaring at you." Gu Yuanli said, "Recently, you have reviewed the estates more frequently. It’s okay, how come you join the ghost town?"

"You don't like me to intervene?"

"This is not, you have not always liked it?"

Gu Xie’s ambition is acting. When an artist, the ghost city’s affairs have always been ignored, he only wants to be a leisurely wild crane. Gu Yuanli has always hoped to be able to do his own thing freely.

Rounded up my dreams and flew freely.

All the burdens, all the heavy, have the sins, when the brothers come back.

He only needs to live happily.

This is enough.

This is why he did not want to thank Xie and Yang Jia, Black Rose for any involvement, but fortunately, thanks to the small acting, not in the ghost town, the goal of the black rose will not be placed on Gu Xie, let him be a little more peace of mind.

"Five brothers have social fears, and the fourth brother and you are too busy to help, I will try to help." Gu Xie said, "I have always been too selfish, only to see that I have not seen your hard work. ”

"No, I can handle it well." Gu Xie said indifferently, "You just do what you want to do."

His attitude is consistently indifferent.

Many of the brothers’ suspicions are caused by each other’s indifference.

For many years, Gu Xie’s most hated is that Gu Yuanli’s understatement does not require him to worry about his attitude. He also believes that Gu Yuanli does not like him to come to the ghost town and divide his power, thinking that Gu Yuanli is a person with a particularly heavy desire.

Therefore, my heart is disgusted.

Now, from another angle, I see something different.

"This is what I want to do." Gu Xie said, "I want to help you share some, my second brother, I am sorry."

Gu Yuanli’s glimpse, there are some embarrassed, soft-minded younger brothers, how many years have he not seen?

"I know." Gu Yuanli said, "You... forget it, you are going to fall in love, the ghost city thing, really is not suitable for you, if your girlfriend knows that your hand is black, afraid to abandon you. ”

"What about you?" Gu Xie asked. "You don't worry about the future two know you are black?"

In Gu Yuanli’s mind, he passed the look of Shen Qianshu’s smile.

My heart hurts.

What qualifications does he have and what future is there?

He is a person without future.

"I... doesn't matter." Gu Yuanli ended the topic unilaterally. "Go, I am tired, I want to rest."

"Second brother good night." Gu Xie did not say anything, left the small villa.


Upstairs, Shen Qianshu squatted in front of Noah and smiled and said, "Noah, they are gone, you don't want to be angry, calm, calm, I promise, will not leave your sight, okay?"

Noah looked at her angrily, like a beast showing a fang, "liar!"

(End of this chapter)

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