Priceless Baby’s Super Daddy

Chapter 849: Soon to be retributed [5 more]

849. Now that the opportunity has finally arrived, Jingxi does not have to lie and go out.

When she saw Jingxi going out, she also found an excuse to go to the bathroom, so I followed it in a timely manner, and timely cooperated with the people of Lan Linger.

Outside the corridor, Yang Wenxue saw Jingxi call and walked toward the bathroom.

She also followed, and revealed the whereabouts of Jingxi to the other party.

Both of them went to the toilet, Yang Wenxue came out to wash his hands and found Jingxi still talking in the cubicle.

She waited for about five minutes, and the people inside had not yet come out. For ten minutes, her feet were standing numb, and people were still screaming.

The phone talked for at least 15 minutes, and Xu Xiyan came out of the compartment, just to see Yang Wenxue.

When washing my hands, look at her from the mirror and ask, "Where are Wen Xue?"

"Well, I am fine, wash my hands."

The two washed their hands almost at the same time, and walked out of the bathroom one after the other.

When I arrived at the door of the bathroom, Xu Xiyan suddenly remembered something. "Wen Xue, go back first, my bag forgot to take it, go get it."

Xu Xiyan turned and went into the bathroom again. Yang Wenxue planned to go back first. The people waiting for Lan Linger would definitely come to catch Jingxi.

But whoever expected, she just took a few steps, was caught in the mouth, dragged away from the bathroom.

The towel that is pouting must have ether, and Yang Wenxue quickly lost consciousness.

The two men's hands and feet sealed her mouth with tape, tied her with a rope, put her in a cloth bag, put it in a big box, and sneaked out of the hotel.

Here, Xu Xiyan retrieved her bag and walked out of the bathroom. She did not see Yang Wenxue outside, thinking she was going back to the ballroom.

When she returned to the banquet hall, she did not see Yang Wenxue. She asked the Beans privately. Wandou said that she might go back first, and she would not ask more.


After Yang Wenxue was taken as Jingxi, he was taken to a strange place.

This place is a place that Mo Yutian can't find. It is an apartment that Lan Linger secretly ordered to rent.

After the two men got in, they called Lan Linger in time.

At this time, Lan Linger is still in the "The Beauty of the World" crew, taking pictures of the evening scene, the makeup artist is dressing for her.

After receiving the call from her, she asked the makeup artist to go down before answering the phone. "Hey? How?"

"Missy, man has already caught it, how to deal with it?"

Lan Linger was very proud and told him, "Look at your hard work, let you have a meal first, then take her back to me and take a photo for me."

After hanging up the phone, Lan Linger couldn't help himself, and there was a vicious color in his eyes.

Hey, Jingxi, you will soon be retribution!

This time, let you taste the taste of being destroyed. When you are rotten, how can I like you?


In the hidden apartment, the light is dim.

Two men took Yang Wenxue out of the box and threw it on the big bed.

Missy has already been allowed to do so. I can enjoy the fun of the people first and then do it again.

So the two did not hesitate any more, hurry and take time to undress.

Yang Wenxue couldn't think of her dreams. She counted thousands of calculations and tried to count Jingxi's. As a result, she was retribution.

She was tortured by two men. When she was awake and found her situation, it was too late to call for help.

Torture is even more terrible than she imagined, because the means of Lan Linger's men are not ordinary.


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