Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1002. Chapter 1002 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【106】

In this way, she felt relieved.


University of California, USA.

When she got up in the morning, she had breakfast with her roommate and prepared to go to the classroom. On the way, she called Feng Churui, but no one answered.

I called three times in a row, but no one answered.

Finally, she gave up.

Wu Xuewei held her cell phone tightly, feeling depressed and depressed. She didn't know why. When she called him these days, she couldn't say more than ten words, but he had something to do.

No matter morning or night, she wanted to hear his voice more every time, but in the end she had to close the line and hang up.

Maybe it's a woman's intuition. She always feels like something is about to happen, and she feels vaguely uneasy.

This uneasiness lasted for nearly a month.

One night, she called Feng Churui and he quickly picked up.

She pretended to be joking and asked: "Uncle Feng, what have you been busy with recently? Why don't you even have time to talk to me?"

"Xuewei, I'm sorry, I've been a little busy recently. I'll be fine in a while."

He didn't say what he was busy with, and Wu Xuewei couldn't continue to pursue it, so she could only tentatively say: "Uncle Feng, I don't have classes for a few days, can I fly back to see you?"

"No!" He refused quickly, even a little abnormally, and Wu Xuewei frowned immediately.

But he still smiled dryly and tried to keep his face calm: "Why not? You don't want to see me, or did you do something sorry for me behind my back, so you don't want me to go back?"

The latter sentence was entirely her test, and also meant to be a joke.

Feng Churui was serious and even disapproved of her making such a joke: "Xuewei, don't think nonsense. I won't let you come back for your own good. Have you forgotten what I told you before returning to the United States?"

Of course she hadn't forgotten it, but she still felt that among so many classmates and friends, none of them could make her care about him.

Before hanging up the phone, she asked weakly: "Uncle Feng, have you really not done anything sorry to me?"

"You think too much, study in peace." His voice was as clear and magnetic as ever.

Wu Xuewei swore that it was not that she didn't believe what he said, but that she had been feeling uneasy and she had to find a way to verify it.

So, I called my cousin Wu Youlin.

The call was quickly connected, and Wu Youlin's voice came: "Xiao Xuewei, what do you want from your brother?"

Fortunately, Wu Youlin was not asleep yet. Wu Xuewei started greeting sweetly, and after a lot of chatter, she asked her purpose: "Brother Youlin, no one answered my call to Uncle Feng. Is Uncle Feng very busy recently? "

Everyone in the Wu family knew that Wu Xuewei had been attached to Feng Churui since she was a child. Anyway, the two families were family friends, and the heads of the two families were happy to see their children have a good relationship.

Suddenly talking about Feng Churui, Wu Youlin muttered: "It must be official business, right? There haven't been any big moves or big plans in S City recently, so he shouldn't be very busy. Why, isn't he answering your call?"

"Yes, I haven't seen him for a long time. I miss him so much. But he didn't answer the phone. I'm so sad." Wu Xuewei complained like a little girl.

"Oh, I know!" Wu Youlin suddenly realized, remembering what happened a month ago: "Your Uncle Feng, maybe he was busy on a blind date, so he didn't pay attention to you!"

"What?! You said he was on a blind date?!" Wu Xuewei's voice suddenly reached an octave high, full of disbelief.

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