Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1006. Chapter 1006 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【110】

Qiao Lun knew that Wu Xuewei was sad now, but sadness was inevitable. From the moment she returned to China, it was already destined that she could only be brave and not cowardly and retreat.

Will you regret it?

Wu Xuewei asked herself in her heart, yes, she was acting like a coward now. She did not dare to explore what was the relationship between him and Wu Yuqing, why they came out of his apartment together late at night, and where they were going now.

She was afraid of seeing a scene that she least wanted to see, and she was even more afraid of what she would do if these things appeared naked in front of her eyes.

Feng Churui's car drove to the apartment named by Wu Yuqing. After parking the car, he got out of the car and opened the door for her like a gentleman. Wu Yuqing got out of the car with a smile. Then she didn't know what the two said. Wu Xuewei just See, the two finally hugged each other.

Wu Xuewei felt her energy and blood surge, and her head was buzzing. Qiao Lun looked at the two people hugging each other, clenched his fists, and pretended to push the door and get out of the car to beat Feng Churui.

Wu Xuewei grabbed him, pleading in her eyes: "Qiao Lun, don't go!"

Qiao Lun growled: "Wu Xuewei, see clearly what they are doing. You have the position and qualifications to demand a reasonable explanation!"

Wu Xuewei didn't speak, just shook her head, her eyes already filled with tears. When Qiao Lun struggled to get out of the car angrily again, Wu Xuewei had to turn her head and urge the taxi driver: "Driver, please drive away quickly!"

Wu Xuewei asked the driver to drive back to Feng Churuifa's apartment. Before getting off the car, she asked Qiao Lun to rest in the hotel. He was tired after running all the way with her.

Qiao Lun refused to leave and had to wait for Feng Churui to come back. Wu Xuewei had no choice but to yell at him and let him go. In the end, Qiao Lun shook his head in disappointment at her and gritted his teeth and asked the driver to drive.

The taxi quickly disappeared from her sight, and she bit her lip. It wasn't that she didn't know that Qiao Lun was good for her, but it was just that she couldn't repay him any affection at all, so she was destined to owe him.

After Feng Churui sent Wu Yuqing home, he returned to the apartment. When he opened the door, he saw that the room was bright and he was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

Wu Xuewei was sitting on the sofa. When she heard the door open, she raised her head and looked towards him, as if she didn't see the rare surprise on his face. Then she smiled and said, "Uncle Feng, I'm back. Are you surprised?"

Feng Churui frowned slightly, then Shu Ping closed the door with his backhand and laughed softly, "Xuewei, why are you back so suddenly?"

Wu Xuewei sneered in her heart. If she hadn't come back suddenly, would she have seen such a wonderful scene tonight?

Her master bedroom has been locked, the guest room has been renovated, and the quilts and sheets are brand new. She knows what all this indicates, but she would rather not know anything.

"Uncle Feng is afraid that I will come back?" She tilted her head slightly and smiled with her eyes closed, but there was no smile in her eyes. Instead, they were just looking at his facial expression deeply.

"How long have you been back?"

Feng Churui asked as he walked over, sat down beside her, and reached out to hug her. Wu Xuewei suddenly stood up excitedly, took a few steps back, the smile on her face faded, and looked at him coldly: "Feng Churui Uncle, you haven't answered me yet, are you afraid of my coming back?"

"Xuewei, calm down, sit down and speak slowly." Feng Churui stood up, with a trace of seriousness on his handsome face.

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