Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1009. Chapter 1009 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【113】

Biquge, the fastest update of the sky-high price of the new wife: mistakenly committed a dangerous affair with the president!

But she couldn't help it, really couldn't help it. She couldn't keep her heart in the first place and invested so much emotion in him. Now she encountered these things that caught her off guard. She didn't do anything except hide and cry. Opinion.

Although she said it very openly and kept both of them calm, only she knew that if she hadn't said that at that time, she would really have lost even a little bit of dignity.


Qiao Lun called Wu Xuewei early in the morning. It took a long time to connect the phone. As soon as he heard her speak, he immediately became nervous: "Xuewei, what's wrong with your voice? Have you cried? Damn it, you shouldn't have left last night. ! Are you in the apartment? I’ll go find you immediately!"

Wu Xuewei said she no longer wanted to stay in the apartment, then reported the hotel address and got up to go to the bathroom to wash up.

She had been curled up for too long and her legs were numb. As soon as she stepped down from the bay window and stepped on the carpet, her legs softened and she fell directly to the ground.

Her legs felt like they were being pricked by thousands of needles at the same time. She couldn't stand up, so she simply stopped sitting on the ground.

It wasn't until the doorbell rang that she got up and opened the door.

When Qiao Lun saw her eyes that were as red and swollen as fish bubbles, he could hardly open them. The eyes could only open a small gap. Wu Xuewei turned sideways to let him in, then coughed and said to him: " I'll go wash up, you wait."

As soon as the voice came out, it was hoarse as if it were being rubbed together.

"Wu Xuewei, how long have you been crying?" Qiao Lun touched her face distressedly, and gently touched her swollen eyelids with his fingertips. He wanted to scold her for being worthless, but he swallowed it back.

I couldn't bear it, I couldn't bear to yell and yell at her when she was so heartbroken.

"I forgot." She seemed to be afraid that he would worry, so she bent her lips hard, thinking she gave him a smile. In fact, what she didn't know was that her forced smile was uglier than crying.

She booked the earliest flight to the United States this morning. After having a simple breakfast at the hotel restaurant with Qiao Lun, the two went to the airport.

At the airport, I saw Feng Churui waiting there. Secretary Wu was standing behind him. When he saw her, Secretary Wu didn't dare to say hello, but just nodded.

The two stood face to face with a few meters apart. Wu Xuewei began to feel lucky that Qiao Lun ran to buy her a pair of sunglasses after breakfast, so now her embarrassment and cowardice were not shown in front of him.

Qiao Lun also saw Feng Churui, patted Wu Xuewei on the shoulder and said, "Wait for me."

Then he strode over, raised his fist and shouted at Feng Churui's face: "Damn you! How dare you bully her!"

Feng Churui was from the army and easily dodged his punch. Secretary Wu also took the opportunity to hold Qiao Lun back: "Comrade, the relationship belongs to both of them, so why don't you get involved? It's not chaotic enough!" "

Feng Churui walked up to her in three steps and stood still. Through his sunglasses, he couldn't see her expression clearly, but it couldn't be gentle.

"Are you going back?" he asked.

Wu Xuewei looked at him without saying a word.

He looked at her deeply and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know where to start and make you sad. I'm really sorry. This is not what I want to see..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wu Xuewei missed him, walked to Secretary Wu, stretched out her hand to pull Qiao Lun over, and then went directly to apply for the boarding pass.

Not a word was spoken the whole time.

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