Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1017. Chapter 1017 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【121】

Juventus frowned unconvinced: "Don't underestimate me, I can also read faces!"

Qiao Lun made a gesture of listening and stretched out his hand in front of her: "."

Youwen's face turned red and she slapped his hand away. Qiao Lun was right. She knew that one thing, but she really didn't know anything else.

"Okay, you two, Qiao Lun, don't make a fool of yourself at the same time."

Qiao Lun touched the tip of his nose and stopped teasing Juventus. Instead, he looked at her seriously and asked, "What about you? Are you still not going to tell him that you are pregnant?"

Wu Xuewei nodded, "I have already asked for leave and will be returning to China in two days. I plan to tell him in person."

Qiao Lun also agreed with her idea: "Indeed, it is better to talk about such a big matter in person. Xuewei, how about I go back with you? You are a pregnant woman, so I don't trust you."

"Qiao Lun, I'm not a child anymore, don't think of me so delicate. I can take care of myself, and of course, my children." Wu Xuewei could only refuse Qiao Lun's worries.

"I'm still worried." Qiao Lun said, looking at Juventus: "Why don't you accompany Xuewei back. My identity may bring inconvenience to her, but I don't have a problem. It would be bad if people misunderstood her. .”

Youwen thought about it for a while. Based on the last situation, she felt it was necessary to accompany her back.

After all, Feng Churui has a criminal record. I wonder if their conversation will satisfy both parties and come to a result this time.

"Xuewei, that's it, I'll go back with you. As long as you guys have an agreement, I'll come back." Youwen made the final decision.


Wu Xuewei wanted to say something more, but Juventus blocked her mouth with an apple. She smiled and said: "Resistance is futile, and the original verdict is upheld!"


After all, Wu Xuewei didn't want to trouble her friends again and again because of her own affairs, so she returned to China a day early. By the time Juventus and Qiao Lun found out, she had already boarded the plane and only sent them a text message telling them that she had returned to China, so don't worry about her. .

Youwen was so angry that he waved his fist and said that he would beat her up when she gave birth to the child. Why was she so disobedient?

On the plane, Wu Xuewei was surprisingly tired. She almost seemed to sleep all the way to City S. If the stewardess hadn't shaken her awake during the meal, she might have been able to sleep without eating anything.

Considering that the child needed nutrition, she still cheered up, ate the food, and then continued to sleep.

It was just morning when we arrived in S City. Winter nights are longer than days, so even though it was eight o'clock, the sky was not completely bright yet.

After getting into the taxi, the driver asked her where she was going. After hesitating for a long time, she gave the address of the villa in her name.

She thought that before she had a clear discussion with Feng Churui, she might as well live in her own villa.

There is a part-time aunt who cleans the villa all year round, so when she went back, her aunt happened to be still cleaning. She knew her when she saw her.

"Miss Wu, are you back?" Auntie stopped what she was doing and looked at her with a smile.

Wu Xuewei made up a reason, "Well, I came to S city to celebrate a friend's birthday and stayed here for a few days."

Then he playfully said to his aunt: "Auntie, I secretly went back to China to celebrate my friend's birthday. I will go back in a few days. You have to keep it a secret for me and don't tell my grandpa."

"No problem, aunt promises to keep your secret."

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