Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1025. Chapter 1025 Love thoroughly, hurt thoroughly【129】

Before Feng Churui had time to explore the reason for the despair in Wu Xuewei's eyes, Wu Yuqing had already taken the lead and said, "What else are you doing here?"

"I'm here to atone." Wu Xuewei glanced at Feng Churui coldly, and said in a weak voice, "Let go."

Feng Churui stared deeply at her pale face, and after a while, he let go of her hand.

He watched her dragging her vain steps step by step to the bedside, then raised the list she had been holding tightly in her hand, and she said: "Whether you believe it or not, I didn't mean to push you downstairs. I You know, I am the murderer you call me, the one who killed your child. So, in order to appease your anger, I..."

Speaking of this, Wu Xuewei suddenly felt difficulty breathing, took a deep breath, gritted her teeth to hold back the chill that seeped from the soles of her feet and said: "I aborted my three-month-old child. This is an abortion order. Please confirm it. "

She put the abortion form on the bedside table and turned to leave.

Wu Yuqing reached out and picked up the list in shock, took a look at it, and raised her voice: "Wu Xuewei, you are crazy!"

Wu Xuewei paused and said without looking back: "I'm not crazy. I know you two hate me and hate me for killing your children. So, I will use my own child to pay for your child. One life. If... you are still not satisfied... sue me... I am willing to bear all the consequences for the mistakes I have made."

After saying these words, she no longer had any extra strength, so she dragged her limp legs and walked out step by step.

Feng Churui's mind was dizzy for a moment. What was she saying just now?

She aborted her three-month-old child?

Her child is his child!

With a tight wrist, Wu Xuewei was pulled back by Feng Churui and pressed against the wall. His eyes were red and his expression was as cold as ever: "Wu Xuewei, tell me, what you just said is not true! Your child is still in your belly. !”

Wu Xuewei looked at his almost crazy look and just smiled, her smile pale and bitter: "Feng Churui, don't tell me, my child was aborted, are you unhappy?"

"Wu Xuewei!" Feng Churui's voice was tight and suppressed, and he punched her ear hard with a thud, but Wu Xuewei felt nothing.

I won't be afraid, let alone... feel sorry for him.

He stared at her with red eyes: "That's my child!"

"Yes, it's your child. That's why you should thank me even more, right?" Wu Xuewei looked at him fearlessly, "It is illegal for a civil servant to give birth to an unmarried child, which violates the family planning regulations, and you, the mayor, will also Received disciplinary action. I aborted the child, you should thank me. I voluntarily quit in order to satisfy you. Oh, by the way, when you get married, remember to send me an invitation and I will send you my blessing."

Feng Churui grabbed her chin and said in a hoarse voice: "That's my child, how could you abort it...Wu Xuewei, how could you! Wu Yuqing and I were never what you imagined..."

Wu Xuewei shook her head tiredly and interrupted him: "No matter what your relationship is, whether you are lovers or passers-by, these are not important to me. My child is gone, and my heart is dead. Right You, I think I have a clear conscience, but I feel guilty about Wu Yuqing, so no matter whether she sues me or not, I will not hire a lawyer to defend her."

After that, she looked at him calmly, "Also, I always forgot to say... Feng Churui, I hate you."

"Wu Xuewei, you lunatic——"

Amid Wu Yuqing's sharp scream, her vision went dark and she completely lost consciousness.

ps: I was so tired last night that I couldn’t hold on anymore and fell asleep. Everyone has been waiting for a long time ╭(╯3╰)╮ Today seems to be Women’s Day, so go tell your mother a happy holiday~

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