Wu Xuewei was in a daze, and without listening carefully, she responded vaguely: "... Got it..."

"Miss, hurry up, I'm going down first!" The servant left happily.

As soon as the servant left, she reached out and stroked Green Tea's supple cat, and murmured: "Green Tea, don't make trouble..."

Then fell asleep again.

Green Tea's big eyes stared at her blankly for a while, then he softened his limbs and curled up quietly next to her.


Feng Churui brought a lot of new year's goods and supplements, and also gave red envelopes to the domestic servants and guards. In an instant, the new uncle won the hearts of all the people in Wu Zhai.

Wu Changshu asked someone to bring him a chessboard and play a few words with him. Wu Changshu and Mrs. Wu were watching TV and chatting from time to time.

Someone had already sent someone to call Wu Xuewei down, but it was almost lunch time and she was still nowhere to be found.

Wu Changshu played several games with Feng Churui on the chessboard, and finally lost his temper, "Someone, go and call Xuewei down. How long has it been, and you are still lying in bed? What kind of talk!"

Just when Feng Churui lost, he took the initiative to invite Ying upstairs, "Grandpa, let me call her."

The two of them have been having conflicts, and letting him come in will allow the young couple to get along with each other more, and maybe they can reconcile.

Wu Changshu waved his hand with a smile, "Okay, then you can go."

Arriving at the door of Wu Xuewei's bedroom on the second floor, Feng Churui stood still, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

No one responded.

He tried to twist the door lock, but it didn't lock. He pushed the door open easily and stepped in without hesitation.

There was a thick carpet on the floor, and the leather shoes made no sound when he stepped on it. He walked to the bedside and saw a person and a cat, sleeping soundly with their heads next to each other!

As if sensing someone was watching, Green Tea meowed, opened her eyes, then slowly stood up and raised her tail, looking at him steadily with her big eyes, as if to warn him, 'Don't come here.'

Feng Churui found it interesting. She heard that the Garfield cat she had recently raised was indeed cute when she looked at it now.

The big face, with big eyes, small nose and mouth, is tender and pink, which is cute and charming.

The white fur has a few orange patches evenly distributed on its round body, which is very cute.

Feng Churui walked into the bed with a slight smile on his lips. Green Tea became excited, meowed, and wanted to jump up.

The cat's paw accidentally stepped on Wu Xuewei's face. Wu Xuewei squeaked, and Green Tea jumped away again, staring at Wu Xuewei with big eyes, not daring to move.

"...Green tea, don't make trouble..." Wu Xuewei reached out to touch the green tea.

Feng Churui stretched out his hand, pinched the stamina of the green tea, carried it into his arms and hugged it. Wu Xuewei touched the pillow for a long time, but gave up without touching the green tea.

As soon as the holidays came, she relaxed. She stayed up late last night to catch up on TV series, so she didn't go to bed until late at night. Now she couldn't get out of bed at all.

As soon as Green Tea arrived in Feng Churui's arms, he was on full alert. He raised his cat paws and was ready to scratch his face at any time. Feng Churui patted his head gently and scratched a section of hair on his head and back of his neck, "Green tea?"

Remembering that she called it that, Feng Churui raised the green tea to eye level with him and lowered his voice, "Be quiet!"

Green Tea calmed down after being smoothed by him, and lazily raked his big face with his two front paws. He nestled honestly in Feng Churui's arms, his big eyes gradually narrowed, and he fell asleep.

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