The urge to take a taxi home just arose in my heart. I thought that I had no money and would have to ask someone to help pay for it when I got home.

At that time, things will be revealed.

Then what happened this afternoon when I sat in the mall all afternoon, wasn't it all meaningless?

The winter night gets dark very quickly. It's only after five o'clock, and the sky has already turned gray. The strong wind is carrying snow, which is chilling to the bones.

She gritted her teeth and decided to walk back!

Anyway, I’ve walked through it once today, no less than once or twice, it’s time to exercise!

The journey home was longer than she imagined, and her thin figure was stretched very long by the street lights...

The strong wind was raging, and she walked home with her head lowered, feeling sad and tough at the same time.

Her feet hurt and her calves began to swell. She already felt extremely tired. She had never used so much energy as she did today.

She didn't know how long she had been walking. She only remembered that the road was very long and seemed to have no end. She gradually became tired and exhausted.

The speed also gradually slowed down...

After leaving the city, there were almost no pedestrians on the road, and there were very few vehicles on the wide highway. Wu Xuewei suddenly had the illusion that she was the only one left in the whole world.

Feng Churui sat in the car, raising his hand to look at his watch from time to time. The Cayenne turned on its headlights so that he could see someone approaching him immediately.

He waited from four o'clock to six o'clock, to seven o'clock, and then to eight o'clock. Seeing that it was almost half past eight o'clock, he grabbed his cell phone and was about to send someone to look for it, when a small black figure broke into his sight in front of him.

The small black shadow got bigger and bigger, and as it got closer, he saw clearly that it was a person.

She lowered her head, put her hands in the pockets of her down jacket, and wished her whole body could shrink into a small ball. She walked very slowly, with heavy steps, and all her breath turned into white smoke and sprayed into the air.

Wu Xuewei saw a car parked in front of her. Because the headlights were on, it was so dazzling that she couldn't see clearly what kind of car it was, so she had to keep her head down and walk.

Suddenly she heard the car door slamming and footsteps walking towards her. She raised her head warily and glanced into Feng Churui's angry eyes.

His shoulders were clasped by him, and he asked angrily: "Where are you going?!"

The exhausted Wu Xuewei frowned: "It hurts..."

"I asked you where you were?!" Instead of letting go, he began to shake her hard.

Wu Xuewei's body was like a wave, being shaken by him. She stretched out her hand to steady her head and said angrily: "It's none of your business."

After saying that, I sucked in my nose which was red from the cold. It was so cold today that my nose was almost running from the cold!

Feng Churui saw that her clothes were all stained by snow, so he couldn't help but grab her and stuff her into the car.

"Blow your nose." He pulled out some tissues and handed them to her, raising the temperature in the car.

Wu Xuewei didn't show any pretense. She blew her nose vigorously with a tissue, then pressed down the car window and threw away the paper ball.

Her body, which was almost frozen into a popsicle, began to feel warm, and her nose felt better. Wu Xuewei said seriously: "Now that we are home, let's review our confession."

Feng Churui's tone became a little fierce, "Where have you been!"

Wu Xuewei lowered her eyes, not wanting to talk about her sad afternoon, and said to herself: "If grandpa and the others ask about it when I get home later, just say that we went to the mall in the afternoon, had dinner, and then watched a movie before coming back."

Feng Churui really wanted to strangle her to death!

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