Wu Xuewei stood still. Was he calling her?

After not hearing her walk over for a long time, Feng Churui's voice increased: "Wu Xuewei, come here."

Hesitantly, she walked over slowly, stood by the bed and looked at him with his eyes closed, "What's the matter?"

Feng Churui suddenly opened his eyes, his bright eyes were very clear. He reached out unexpectedly and grabbed her wrist. With a strong pull, she threw herself on him.

Wu Xuewei's waist was held by his strong long arms, unable to move. She began to panic, "What are you doing!"

Her excessive reaction made Feng Churui stunned for a moment, "My hands and feet are numb, and I can't sleep warmly. Please stay with me..."

His hands passed under her armpits, trying to hug her into the quilt. After that incident, Wu Xuewei was afraid of sleeping with him, even terrified.

She struggled more fiercely, "No, don't touch me! I told you not to touch me!"

The words he shouted were like a knife, ruthlessly severing the tiny bond between the two in an instant.

Feng Churui looked at her knowingly, his hands motionless, Wu Xuewei quickly pushed him away, jumped out of bed, and ran out of the bedroom as if running away.

"Ha..." He chuckled, with a flash of self-deprecation in his eyes.

What does this mean to him?

Can't touch her?

He just wants to hold her and sleep, is there a problem?

Every time he wanted to treat her well, she would immediately retreat far away, avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion. Only when he made up his mind to ignore her every time would she act naturally.

At breakfast, at the dining table, Feng Churui said that he had something to do and wanted to leave.

Wu Changshu asked him about public and private matters, and he said both public and private matters.

"Go ahead, official business is important." Woodchang spoke.

"Grandpa, Dad, Mom, I'll take my leave first. I will come to visit you often when I have time in the future." After breakfast, Feng Churui stood up and left.

"Xuewei, go see A Rui off, and take the gifts grandpa has prepared for you. They are all for your parents-in-law."

Wu Xuewei had to stand up when her name was called, "I understand, grandpa."

Carrying the gift and putting it on the back seat, Feng Churui closed the car door and looked at her who was standing aside looking down at her toes. There was a fire in his chest for no reason.

"You don't have to give it away." He opened the driver's door and leaned over.

Cayenne quickly disappeared from her sight, and Wu Xuewei stayed there for a while before turning back.

"Xuewei, since you and Ah Rui have already obtained the certificates, can't you get along well with each other?" Wu Changshu could see through the apparent incompatibility between the two of them at a glance.

When Feng Churui was around, it was hard for him to say it. Now that he was gone, he had a chance to say it out.

"Grandpa..." Wu Xuewei said with difficulty, "It's not that I don't want to get along well, but that I no longer dare..."

Just because I was too devoted and too dependent at the beginning, I was betrayed a little bit and was completely hurt.

She didn't have the courage to do it again with such full-hearted bravery.

Wu Zhangshu looked solemn and opened his mouth, but no sound came out for a long time.

Wu Xuewei curled her lips and said, "Grandpa, I believe in many things. I believe in love, I believe in kindness, I believe in the future, I believe in many, many things. But the world will not let me stop just because I believe in these things. disappointment."

Wu Changshu patted her on the head, "Grandpa is old, and he doesn't know how to help you young people, so that you can avoid detours. Forget it, you can do it yourself, everything is fate. "

PS: Hmm... no message, no motivation (╯_╰)

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