"Understood, sir."

As soon as Wu Xuewei left the bedroom, she was stopped by the domestic helper, "Miss, the husband is very angry now, you'd better not go."

"You let me go down..."

The domestic helper tried to persuade her: "Miss, it's useless. The husband, wife, and master themselves are not willing to let you suffer a little injustice, let alone someone else."


Wu Youlin happened to be chasing Zhuang Han in the imperial capital. After receiving a call from his second uncle, he immediately returned to the Wu family's old house.

When Wu Chang told Wu Xuewei's general situation, he was so shocked that he couldn't recover for a long time.

"Second uncle, are you really sure that Ah Rui and Xuewei are together?" Wu Youlin's face was full of disbelief.

Wu Chang looked gloomy, "Don't mention this bastard to me! You forced Xuewei not to tell anyone, made her pregnant and finally aborted it, and now she's registered and is doing it outside behind Xuewei's back! You Lin, go up and comfort her. Comfort Xuewei, that child is hopeless! Even now, she is still helping that bastard talk!"

"Second uncle, don't worry, I will comfort Xuewei."

Wu Youlin went upstairs, knocked on the door, and finally pushed the door open and went in.

Wu Xuewei was locked in the bedroom. When she saw Wu Youlin, she was a little surprised. Then she wiped away her tears and called out: "Brother Youlin."

"It can be saved. You know I'm your brother." Wu Youlin snorted self-deprecatingly and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Tell me, what's going on between you and Ari? Is it really like what my second uncle said?"

Wu Xuewei's silence was also her acquiescence.

Wu Youlin couldn't sit still due to his bad temper. He stood up and paced back and forth in the bedroom, "Arui, this beast, my sister dares to get involved!"

After saying that, he took out his cell phone and called him.

When the phone was picked up, Feng Churui's slightly cold voice sounded: "Yao Lin, what's the matter?"

Turning on the loudspeaker, Wu Youlin said sarcastically: "What's going on, don't you know? Why, Xuewei is tortured by you to the point of being a human being or a ghost. Are you very happy and have a sense of accomplishment? The red flag at home remains intact. , the colorful flags are flying outside!”

When Wu Xuewei heard Feng Churui's voice, she subconsciously clenched her fingers and her heart tightened suddenly.

"Are you talking about Wei Wei?" Feng Churui asked calmly.

Wu Youlin roared angrily: "Don't pretend to be like me! What good things have you done that you don't know about? Tell me, Xuewei is in a bad mood now and has been crying all day. What do you think we should do?"

Wu Youlin looked at Wu Xuewei and found that she had her head lowered, like a spineless doormat. He immediately became even more annoyed and shouted directly at the other end: "Feng Churui, if you don't give our Xuewei an explanation, I will I’ll break your dog legs, believe it or not!”

Feng Churui's voice was very calm. He said, "I have nothing to say."

One sentence instantly made Wu Xuewei's heart drop to the bottom.

Whether she was sad or crying, he didn't care, not at all.

He said there was nothing to say, he had nothing to say to her anymore. It turned out that before they knew it, they had come to the end.

Wu Xuewei bit her lip, tears falling down the moment he finished speaking, and her flesh and blood were blurred by angina.

I remember a passage I once read: when you first buy a pair of shoes, you have to squat down and wipe them clean if there is a little dust on them. After wearing them for a long time, even if someone steps on them, you will rarely lower your head. Most people are like this, whether they are towards objects or feelings. At first, you feel distressed when she frowns, but later on, when she sheds tears, you feel less nervous.

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