The smile on Wu Changshu's face faded and he turned serious, "Can grandpa and your parents not interfere? That brat has come to the imperial capital with a high profile. Is it possible for our Wu family to be ruined by him so easily?"

"Xuewei, you don't have to worry about this matter, we will handle it for you."

Wu Chang said earnestly: "Yes, your mother is right. You just have to study with peace of mind, and we will handle this matter for you. You don't have to worry about anything, and you don't have to worry about anything. Your parents and grandpa are here for everything." , I won’t let you suffer.”

Wu Xuewei put down the spoon, "Grandpa, Mom and Dad, I know you are doing it for my own good and don't want me to be wronged. But in this matter, I want to handle it myself without your intervention. I am already twenty years old, not a child. Now, try letting me go and take charge of my own business, okay?"

Wu Changshu and Wu Chang looked ugly, but they still suppressed their anger and asked her: "Then how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

Wu Xuewei lowered her head in despair, with a haggard look on her face, "Grandpa, mom and dad, don't ask. In short, I want to handle this matter myself, so you don't need to interfere. I can solve it myself."

Ever since her miscarriage was discovered, things kept happening, causing her family to worry about her.

As she said, she is twenty years old and is no longer a child who has to rely on her family to do everything. She wants to learn to be independent, instead of blindly hiding behind her family and seeking shelter when something goes wrong.


A few days have passed since the incident, and the haze at that time has been dissipated a lot by time.

Even if she never asked him, he would never take the initiative to contact her again.

Wu Xuewei has never been able to figure out why she is so stubborn. Just like He Jingyan said, why she insists on hanging from a tree.

However, no one knows that her love for Feng Churui is like a glass of water. The hot becomes cold, and the cold becomes hot again. It is capricious and she never wants to waste it.

After all, people who have been in love for so many years cannot be easily forgotten by simply saying that they don’t love them, nor can they be truly forgotten by simply saying that they will forget about them.

Emotions are always the most tormenting and bad things in people's hearts, bar none.

She may also understand a little bit of Feng Churui's feelings. There are no complicated things. Approaching is nothing more than liking, and leaving is nothing more than breaking up.

He just wanted to stop thinking about it.

Perhaps, the person she loves the most is only her from beginning to end, so even if she wants to get away, she can't escape completely.

And he has always been a person favored by God, and even after experiencing so many things, he can still turn around and leave so easily.

Unlike her, who has been trapped in torture over and over again, unable to save herself.

Wu Xuewei had always wanted to find a time to have a good talk with Feng Churui. Unexpectedly, he had already taken the initiative to come before she made an appointment with him.

In University A, after class, Wu Xuewei and He Jingyan went to have lunch together.

The two of them didn't have many friends on campus, so they would go together wherever they went. After all, no one wanted to taste the feeling of loneliness.

"What are you going to eat later?"

"Whatever, I don't pick."

Wu Xuewei and He Jingyan were chatting casually as they walked out of the school gate. Suddenly, their eyes were caught by a black Cayenne on the side of the road.

He Jingyan turned to look at her: "Why don't you leave?"

Wu Xuewei stood motionless, as if she didn't hear what he said. He Jingyan frowned and followed her gaze, then snorted lightly.

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