Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1167. Chapter 1167 A day in the life of a snack food【3】

Rong Chong'er was hurt and covered her heart, bulging her face: "Yuxi, you bad guy! I'm really hurt!"

Feng Yuxi put his hand on her shoulder in an arrogant manner and asked seriously: "Do you want to tell the teacher to send you to the infirmary?"

Tang Juncong bit a lollipop and walked over in a swaggering manner, "What's wrong? Who wants to go to the infirmary?"

"Jun Gege!" Rong Chong'er quickly asked Tang Jun for help: "Yu Xi said I was swollen! He actually said I was swollen! I'm not swollen at all, it's still the same, Jun Gege, don't you think so? "

"Uh..." Tang Jun bit his lollipop and scanned her body like an X-ray with his eyes. After a long time, he scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "It seems like there are a few..."

Seeing Rong Beloved's eyes filled with tears, Tang Jun immediately turned serious and became awe-inspiring, "Oh no, who said our Beloved was swollen? They dragged him out and shot him ten thousand times! Nonsense, nonsense! Our Beloved is still so slim, hehe. , Beloved, is Jun Gege right?"

Rong Chong'er burst into laughter and nodded vigorously, smiling brightly: "Yes!"

Feng Yuxi slowly shook his head, "You are hopeless."

You are already telling lies with your eyes open. Are you sure there is nothing wrong with your eyes?


In the hands-on class, the teacher distributed a box of plasticine to all the students.

"Students, our practical class today is for everyone to make what they want to do. It can be a little white rabbit, a pineapple, or it can be parents and their friends!"

"Oh yeah!" Rong Chong'er was so happy and excited that she stood up and made a scissor hand gesture.

The teacher looked at it and asked with a smile: "Classmate Beloved, tell the teacher what you want to do?"

Hearing this, Rong Chong'er was stunned for a moment, then laughed again, counting her chubby fingers and began to say: "Chicken legs, puffs, chocolate, marshmallows, milk candies, ice cream..."

Seeing that she was suspected of continuing to count, the teacher had to interrupt her with a dry smile, "Okay, our classmate Beloved is very good! He actually wants to make so many delicious things, it's great! Okay, let's start now, Students can do what they like."

Rong Chong'er concentrated on pinching the plasticine. Suddenly, a brand new, unopened box of plasticine moved in front of her. She pouted: "Ge Ge, what are you doing?"

Glory snorted arrogantly, "You help Gege do it. Gege is sleepy and wants to sleep."

"But the teacher said you have to do it yourself. Can't you be sleepy after class?"

"When you're sleepy, you're sleepy. Who can decide when you're sleepy? Anyway, you just help me." After finishing speaking, Honor began to lie down on the table to sleep.

Rong Beloved curled his lips in dissatisfaction, nodded his little finger at the rubber box, and murmured in a low voice: "Shuai Gege said that no one should be allowed to bully Beloved. Now that Gege is bullying Beloved, he will report to Handsome Gege tonight..."

The new box of erasers disappeared with a swish. There was a sullen look on Guangrong's delicate face, and he couldn't get angry and could only hold it back.

Rong Chong'er blinked her beautiful eyes innocently, "Ge Ge, your face is like a palette. It's blue... it's red... hey, why did it turn purple?"

"I'll do it myself!" Glory gritted his teeth, "Don't tell the boss, got it?!" with a warning look.

"Gege's behavior does not count as bullying Beloved, so Beloved won't tell Handsome Gege."

"Hmph!" Glory was extremely unhappy and kneaded the plasticine on his own.

The students were all concentrating on kneading the clay when Rong Chong'er's head suddenly came over, blinding Feng Yuxi.

"What's wrong?"

Rong Chong'er squatted half-crouched, put his hands on the edge of the table and rested his chin on the back of his hands, pouting, "Yuxi, what are you doing?"

"Make a robot." Feng Yuxi lowered his head again and concentrated on squeezing the plasticine in his hand.

Rong Chong'er's chubby hands stretched out in front of him, and a piece of plasticine in the shape of a chicken leg was inside. "Yu Xi, look, do the chicken drumsticks I made look like? Do they look delicious?"

Feng Yuxi raised his head and glanced at her with a complicated expression. After a long while, he said helplessly: "Beloved, you really can't eat anymore..."

"...Are you saying I'm swollen again?" Rong Chong'er stood up, her big clear eyes covered with mist.

"I..." Before Feng Yuxi could finish his words, Rong Chong'er ran back to his seat and lay down on the table.

No matter who calls, no one will pay attention.

In the evening, after returning to Rong Mansion, after dinner, Rong Beloved pinched the hem of her skirt and ran to Luo Anning nervously. Luo Anning touched her head and asked softly: "Beloved, what's wrong? Do you have something to say to your mother? explain?"

Rong Chong'er suddenly raised her head and said with a painful look on her face: "Mom, I'm so sad. Will I always be a little fat man?"

Luo Anning pinched her little cheek and said, "Silly boy, how could this happen?"

Rong Chong'er opened her eyes with joy: "Really not?"

Luo Anning said gently: "How could Mom lie to you? One day you will become an old fat man."

"Woooooooooo..." Rong Chong'er's heart was hit again, and she covered her face in tears.

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