Her head was lowered, her ponytail was pulled messily, and there were many red marks and pinch marks from fingernails on her body. There were also a few dusty footprints on her waist and abdomen, which stood out against her fair skin. Looks terrible.

Beside her, the torn school uniform and school pants were lying quietly on the floor, as well as bunches of hair that had been torn out.

"You guys stop it!"

When Rong Chong'er saw the scene in front of her, she immediately let go of the young commander, ran over and pushed away the girls, squatted down next to Xiao Bai, looked at the injuries on her body, and saw Xiao Bai crying, she was about to cry too: " Sister Xiaobai, does it hurt? How could they do this to you!"

When the young marshal saw this scene, he turned around and shouted away the bodyguards who were about to follow him. He locked his eyes on Xiaobai and strode towards her.

When Liu Qian and several girls saw Rong Chong'er, they immediately turned their heads towards the door. At this sight, they were so frightened that they subconsciously stepped back. They were so scared that they didn't know what to do, "Young... Young Marshal..."

There were two clusters of sparks burning in the young marshal's eyes. He glanced at the cowering people with sharp eyes. He pursed his lips and said in a warm voice: "Who hit her, where, how many times, three times." In a few minutes, I want to hear the truth.”

After saying that, he took off his school uniform and squatted down to put it on Xiaobai. Xiaobai said with a hoarse voice: "I...I will do it myself..."

After saying that, she put on the young marshal's school uniform with trembling hands. The young marshal was very tall, and his shirt was on Xiaobai, covering her buttocks. She put one hand on the ground and stood up.

Rong Beloved supported her, Xiaobai kept his head down and said in a low voice: "Beloved, you go back to class, the class bell rang. I'm fine, don't worry."

"I don't believe you are okay." Rong Chong'er glared at the girls angrily: "There are so many of them bullying you, how can you be okay!"

"I'm really fine, please don't be angry, Beloved..."

The little boy was thinking about persuading her to learn how to teach in the classroom, but the young commander suddenly said, "Raise your head."

Xiaobai clutched the hem of his school uniform and didn't dare to look up.

The young marshal became angry and reached out to clasp her chin. With a strong force, the face with red palm prints came into his eyes.

He stretched out his hand and touched it with his slightly cold fingertips. Xiaobai immediately gasped in pain.

"Are you an idiot? You won't resist or fight back when you're beaten?" the young marshal angrily scolded.

The little white head hung down again. This time, his body was trembling, obviously because he was afraid of being angry.

"Brother, please stop being mean to Sister Xiaobai." Rong Chong'er said anxiously from the side.

The young marshal took a deep breath and said, "Look up, don't let me say it a third time."

Xiaobai sniffed and raised his head.

"You are a member of my Rong family, and every action you take represents the face of my Rong family. From now on, if others cheat you, give me ten points in return! Don't worry about the consequences, I will take care of you if something goes wrong! Do you hear me?"

Xiaobai stared blankly at the furious young marshal. After several seconds, he nodded, and then nodded again.

The young marshal let out a breath and glanced sharply at the girl who was frightened and wanted to beg for mercy when the young marshal revealed that Xiaobai was a Rong family member, "Now, say it."

Liu Qian's face turned livid, then turned pale in an instant, and she spoke stammeringly: "Yes, I was the one who made the move first. I slapped her first... then took off her clothes... and then... slapped her again... A few slaps..."

The young marshal turned his head and looked directly at Xiaobai: "Is it clear?"

"Listen clearly."

"Very good." He nodded with satisfaction.

Just when Xiaobai thought nothing would happen without her, the young commander's next words left her at a loss.

"Now, give back what she just did to you."

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