Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1178. Chapter 1178 Falling out of love is a small thing [2]

In this way, with this self-comfort mentality, I went from the age of sixteen to seventeen.

The summer of his sophomore year in high school was probably the saddest and most difficult summer for Rong Chong'er since he grew up.

It was the final of a basketball game for sophomores in high school. Since they were in different classes, Rong Chong'er could only stay in her own class to cheer for Glory. After a fierce competition between their sophomore class A and Feng Yuxi's senior class A and class two, they finally won. entering the finals.

Rong Chong'er watched Feng Yuxi helplessly, but she couldn't run to cheer him on. During the competition, there would inevitably be physical collisions. Every time she saw a classmate bumping into Feng Yuxi with his elbow, she clenched her fists nervously, wishing she could The classmate who hit Feng Yuxi was beaten into a pig head.

The boys sweated profusely on the court, fought hard, and made handsome three-point shots and dunks, which made the girls in the field scream.

During the halftime break, Glory pulled his sweaty uniform and walked towards her, but Rong Chong'er was focused on Feng Yuxi. When he saw him walking off the court, he grabbed the mineral water and towel in his hand and wanted to run over.

Before he could run away, he was grabbed by Guangrong by the collar, "Where are you running? Your brother is here, give me water quickly, I'm dying of thirst."

Rong Chong'er pouted and stuffed the water and towels in her hands at him, "Second brother, are you my brother or not? Why are you doing things that hinder me?"

Glory unscrewed the cap of the bottle, raised his head and took a long sip. He had actually seen for a long time that Yu Xi's mind was not on her, and he couldn't see her sticking up like a little King Kong who was not afraid of getting hurt, so he kept pressing it up every time. Keep an eye on her.

Who doesn't want their sister to be well? Who wants to be the villain who beats the mandarin ducks?

Especially in their family, except for the mother, it can be said that his glory and a Rong Shuai are not as good as the status of a Rong Beloved in the heart of the father. If the father knows that it is disadvantageous for him to protect the Rong Beloved, he must be killed. ?

Especially, recently, it was rumored that Yu Xi was secretly in love with a female classmate in his class...

Although he couldn't bear to tell Beloved such cruel things, it didn't mean that he couldn't keep an eye on her at all times to prevent her from doing anything against Feng Yuxi again.

Rong Rong drank water with one hand, and soon the bottle of water was empty. He threw the water bottle away, picked up a towel and began to wipe the sweat. He still held Rong Chong'er in one hand and pulled her to sit down together.

Rong Chong'er was unhappy and twisted her body to get away from him, "Second brother, I'm such a big brother, how dare you look at me like a child."

Glory hummed: "Read your name several times yourself."

Here, the brother and sister were bickering. Over there, as soon as Feng Yuxi came out, Lan Xiaonuan came forward with a towel and water. Feng Yuxi took her towel, wiped her sweat, and drank the water.

He didn't know what Lan Xiaonuan was telling him. There was a bit of noise at the scene, so Feng Yuxi lowered his head and came closer to her. Everyone saw that the distance between the two was only ten centimeters, and Lan Xiaonuan was blushing.

After hearing her words, Feng Yuxi smiled beautifully.

That was so far, Rong Chong'er felt that it was the most beautiful smile among all the people she had ever seen. It seemed to bring sunshine and penetrate directly into people's hearts.

Every time Rong Chong'er said this, Rong Rong poured cold water on her, saying that beauty was only in the eye of a lover.

Now that Rong Chong'er saw this scene, her fragile girl's heart was still inevitably hurt.

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