Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

1196. Chapter 1196 Change, the smile disappears in the sunshine [8]

Now Rong Chong'er can finally understand how difficult it is to be in a long-distance relationship. It's not easy anymore.

The taste of longing is like a person knowing whether the water is cold or warm.



Ah Sheng hung up the phone and walked out with a cold expression. Jeff had just returned from playing golf. Seeing him walking out, he hurriedly stopped him: "A Sheng, where are you going? Don't forget that we have a party tonight!"

"Sorry, I might not be able to go." Ah Sheng clenched her phone and rushed out of the dormitory.

Gene and Eden were bumped when they were about to enter. They looked to Jeff in confusion and asked, "Where are Asheng going? You are in such a hurry. Could it be that something happened?"

Jeff shrugged and spread his hands: "He looked like this after talking to his girlfriend on the phone. He ran away to who knows where. He didn't even attend the party at night."

A party, as the name suggests, means that students bring their male and female friends and everyone eats, drinks and has fun together.

Feng Yuxi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with such an occasion. Seeing the smiles that could not be concealed on the faces of his girlfriends, Edenji Enjeff felt a little envious in his heart.

A group of young people had a good meal and a good drink, and inevitably had to go to the nightclub to renew their stalls. Feng Yuxi said in a half-hearted tone: "You go ahead, I'm a little dizzy. I'll go back first."

The big guys didn't force him, they just teased him that he should find a girlfriend so that he wouldn't have anyone to take care of him when he was feeling dizzy.

Feng Yuxi just smiled at everyone's teasing.

On the way back to the dormitory, he took out his mobile phone and played with it for a long time before calling Tang Jun.

"Arjun, send me Beloved's number."

Tang Jun on the other end was shocked and alert: "Why do you want Beloved's number? Tell me, what are your plans for Beloved?"

"Ha..." Feng Yuxi chuckled, "I have only one intention for her, I want her."

He wants to honor his beloved!

This is the intention that has flashed in and out of my mind since meeting Beloved, until now it has become a firm intention.

Tang Jun was frightened by his straightforward words, "Well, Yu Xi, I can't make the decision on this. Let me ask Beloved. If she agrees, I will send you the number. If Beloved agrees, I will send it to you." , there is nothing I can do to help.”

After Tang Jun finished speaking, he hung up the phone in a hurry, not giving him any time to react.

Until the next day, Tang Jun didn't send Beloved's number to him, and he didn't even answer his phone calls.

Feng Yuxijun's face turned dark. Is it necessary to be so guarded against him? Is he a flood or a beast?


Asheng disappeared for nearly half a month. When he returned to the dormitory again, he had lost a lot of weight, but his spirit was very full.

"A Sheng, where have you been for the past half month? You haven't even seen a person." Eden stepped forward with a smile and punched him.

Asheng smiled sullenly and took a step back without leaving a trace, "A relative was sick, and I took care of him."

"I thought you ran back to China to be with your girlfriend."

Asheng smiled and said nothing.

He is going back to China to be with his beloved son, and has already booked a flight ticket for the day after tomorrow.


Throughout the summer, only Asheng among the five people in the dormitory was going back to China. Jeff proposed to go mountain climbing as a practice before Asheng returned to China.

Although she was eager to return home, Asheng was still drawn here with great kindness.

The air in the morning is very good, the sun is not angry yet, and the fresh air has a bit of dew moisture, which makes people feel fresh.

Including Eden Genejeff's girlfriend, a group of eight people hiked up the mountain, chatting and laughing, and the time passed quickly.

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