The guards and servants looked back at him worriedly step by step, and finally returned to their respective posts. They only hoped that the rain would not last too long, because their young master was still standing in the rain, under the tree.

Rong Chong'er watched with satisfaction as Feng Yuxi stood in the rain, turned around and went back to the bedroom. Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the dark figure under the tree, she suddenly closed her eyes and murmured: "A Sheng..."

It rained heavily all night and did not clear up until six in the morning. Feng Yuxi stood all night and was soaked in the rain all night. His whole body was shaking with cold, his face was bloodless, and his lips were pale.

"Master! The rain has stopped, please go in and have a rest!" The servant rushed over as soon as the rain stopped, supported the shaky Feng Yuxi, and helped him into the room. The kitchen had been boiling ginger soup.

"Master, drink the ginger soup first to warm yourself up, then go upstairs and take a hot bath, and then let the doctor check you out. Just don't get sick."

After Feng Yuxi drank the ginger soup, his body warmed up a lot and his face regained some color. He saw Rong Chong'er coming down from upstairs in pajamas and walking straight in front of him.

He pursed his lips, then smiled lightly: "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"Who made you laugh? Don't laugh!" Rong Chong'er was stimulated by the smile on his lips. "What qualifications do you have to laugh?! Ah Sheng died trying to save you, and you can still laugh now!"

"Make breakfast for Miss Beloved. I'll go upstairs first." Feng Yuxi knew that in her opinion, even her breathing was wrong. In this case, he can only retreat.

He walked around her and went upstairs. After a while, there was the sound of breaking porcelain behind him. Feng Yuxi paused, and after being stunned for a few seconds, he resolutely went upstairs.

He is also a human being, and his heart is also made of flesh. He agrees with and is saddened by Asheng's death. She has blatantly and unscrupulously hurt him again and again, but he can only tolerate it.

It's not that he's not angry, or that he's not sad, it's just that he actually feels bad when he sees her sad. He knew that he was like a redeemed sinner and was not qualified to have any dissatisfaction. He had no choice but to accept and remain silent.


Feng Yuxi was preparing for his graduation thesis. Because of Rong Chong'er's existence, he had to use his sleeping time to write the thesis in the middle of the night.

Once, he fell asleep on the desktop while writing. When he woke up, the paper on the computer was no longer there and was not archived. He was stunned for a moment and then understood what was going on.

He raised his hand and touched his face to refresh himself. After closing the computer, Feng Yuxi walked out of the study.

When he passed by Rong Chong'er's bedroom, he saw that the light was still on inside. Standing at the door of the bedroom, he hesitated for a long time. He wanted her to go to bed early. His words lingered on the tip of his tongue, but he was worried that after saying good night, her mood would be affected by him. And bad.


After eating a few mouthfuls of breakfast, Rong Chong'er went upstairs sadly. As soon as she entered the bedroom, she saw Feng Yuxi cleaning. She leaned against the door and frowned, "I want to rest, you go out."

Feng Yuxi turned around, his eyes fell on her face, he was silent for a few seconds, and then said hello.

It wasn't until he went out that Rong Chong'er closed the door, walked to the bed cabinet as usual, opened the drawer and took out Asheng's photo to look at.

After searching several times but unable to find Asheng's photo, Rong Chong'er panicked and stumbled downstairs, "Did you steal Asheng's photo?!"

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