Let the guard call.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yuxi said.

"Master, please wait a moment. It's Miss Beloved who wants to talk to you on the phone." The guard handed the phone to Rong Beloved.

She picked up the phone and her tone was calm, like a pool of stagnant water: "Feng Yuxi, you are the most hypocritical person I have ever seen. You said you wanted to take care of me for Asheng, but in fact you just wanted to show it to the two families. Okay. Let you feel less guilty. Why, you have been tortured by me for a long time, and now you have disappeared without a trace, your true identity has been exposed, right? "

Feng Yuxi was still immersed in the joy of her taking the initiative to call him. When he suddenly heard her accusation, his heart moved slightly and a soft smile appeared on his lips.

Was she worried that he would leave without saying goodbye?

It had been a total of five days since he was hospitalized. Five days could be said to be short or long, but Feng Yuxi was satisfied that she could remember him under such circumstances.

At least, it was enough for Feng Yuxi that she could still think of him after she turned her inability to vent her grief over Asheng's death into hating him.

Really, maybe I get too little, so I am particularly easy to be satisfied.

He no longer has any requirements for Beloved. As long as she gives him a chance to stay by her side and take care of her, he will be happy.

"Beloved..." he spoke in a low voice, "I didn't disappear without a trace. The reason I didn't tell you was because I thought you wouldn't want to hear news about me. I didn't say I wanted to take care of you to alleviate my guilt. , It’s not just to show off to the elders, it’s something I want to do for you willingly. Also, I’m happy to be tortured by you.”

Arsenic to another is like honey to armor. He does not feel that this is torture.

Rong Beloved: "..."

Even if she didn't say a word, Feng Yuxi could still imagine her bulging cheeks and anger on the other end of the phone.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

The deep voice became softer and softer, with a little comfort: "Beloved, I will go back tomorrow morning at the latest."

"You'd better keep your word." Rong Chong'er said and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at the phone that ended the call, Feng Yuxi felt dumbfounded.

When had he ever told her that he had never done it?

Xiang Min had been standing beside the hospital bed, holding several documents and books in her hands. She waited patiently for Feng Yuxi to finish talking on the phone before she spoke: "Master, these documents and books are specially sent by Mr. What I asked you to read will be helpful for your future political career."

Feng Churui has now been promoted to the State Council, and has already made arrangements for Feng Yuxi's future life path. The Feng family has always been involved in politics, and Feng Yuxi is no exception.

Xiang Min is quick-thinking, and Mo Nian is extremely witty. He was chosen by Feng Churui to assist Feng Yuxi as his assistant. Originally, everything went according to Feng Churui's plan. After Feng Yuxi returned from studying abroad, he passed the civil service examination, learned from the grassroots level, and later became successful in politics. , rising is not a problem.

What's more, with the Feng family here, Feng Yuxi's political path can be described as glorious.

Because of Ah Sheng's incident, Feng Yuxi put his plans aside and devoted himself to taking care of Rong Chong'er. He concentrated hard every day, fearing that she might lose her temper and make any mistakes.

As a result, several months after returning to China, he still stayed in the villa every day.

Feng Churui knew his temperament and would not change his decision easily, so he did not force him. He just asked Xiang Min and Mo Nian to give him actual combat documents and books and let him read more and think more. If he was in the same position, what would he do? How to deal with it, how to facilitate and benefit the people, and promote economic development stably and quickly.

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