[The Chinese Valentine's Day special has nothing to do with the main text, it is purely a small theater, and you will enjoy it]

One day, the wind was gentle and the sun was beautiful, and the sky was clear.

The sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains and onto the bedroom carpet, shining like gold.

On the big bed, under the champagne gold quilt, were two people sleeping in each other's arms.

The woman's black hair spreads out on the pillow. She is as beautiful as seaweed, her eyebrows are as picturesque, and there is not a single flaw on her pure face. She is as beautiful as the most precious porcelain.

The man's black hair was a little messy, and even if he was sleeping with his eyes tightly closed, his seductive aura could not be concealed.

The phoenix eyes are long and narrow, the thick and long eyelashes are so mesmerizing, the coral red and sexy thin lips under the high bridge of the nose are the thin lips that many women want to kiss!

The woman is leaning on the man's chest, sleeping peacefully and peacefully. The man is hugging the woman's body with one arm and resting his chin on her head. The picture is as tender and beautiful as a vintage scroll.

Suddenly, the man woke up without warning. He fumbled randomly on the bed table to get his cell phone. When he looked at the date, he subconsciously sat up.

Today is Chinese Valentine’s Day? The legendary Valentine's Day?

The broad chest she was resting on was gone. Luo Anning muttered and moved her head back to the soft pillow to continue sleeping.

Mr. Rong turned around and shook her awake: "Honey, don't sleep! Today is Chinese Valentine's Day, get up quickly!"

"It's so noisy! Stop it." Luo Anning didn't even open her eyes, she picked up a pillow and hit him in a daze.

"Okay, okay, I won't make a fuss, you can continue to sleep on your own." Rong Shao smiled and took the pillow, simply put his hands under her armpits, hugged her whole body, and went directly into the bathroom to wash up.

Thirty seconds later, Luo Anning's scream came from the bathroom: "Ah! Rong Yan, you pervert, why are you taking off my clothes!"


It was already noon when Mr. Rong forcibly dragged him to the Chinese restaurant.

In the private room, Luo Anning rolled her eyes at Young Master Rong angrily, "I said, if others are celebrating Valentine's Day and Chinese Valentine's Day, what's the matter with us? We are an old married couple, why are we just joining in the fun? Besides, we are A lover, not a lover!”

Faced with his wife's complaints, Mr. Rong smiled coquettishly and accepted everything. When she had complained enough, he enthusiastically served tea: "Are you thirsty? Come on, have a sip of tea to moisten your throat."

Luo Anning hummed, took the tea and took a sip. At this time, the restaurant manager personally brought a mouthful of spicy mandarin duck pot.

The tea in Luo An Ning's mouth almost spat out on the spot, "Rong Yan! Why don't you take me to a candlelight dinner on Valentine's Day? What do you mean by taking me to eat hot pot?"

The most important thing is, after eating spicy hot pot, how can I go on a date with the smell of hot pot all over my body? !

Young Master Rong touched the tip of his nose, his handsome face darkened, and he secretly cursed: You Xu Zhiyuan, you said candlelight dinner is too cliche, An Ning will not like it, it is best to do it according to her preferences, in order to win her favor!

It's all nonsense, let's see how I treat you when I get back!

"Sneeze!" On the other end, Xu Zhiyuan, who was on a date with his girlfriend, sneezed heavily, and an unknown premonition surged from the bottom of his heart.

Rong Yan put his hand into a fist and put it to the tip of his nose, coughing twice: "Don't you like strong food? If you want to have candlelight dinner, I will take you to eat it every day. Come on, be good, don't be angry anymore, I will boil the mutton for you. .”

With the delicious food in front of him, Luo Anning stopped finding faults and enjoyed Young Master Rong's service. It was a joy to eat.

After a while, Young Master Rong excused himself to go to the bathroom, but she didn't pay attention and started to cook the meat herself.

"Knock knock knock—" The private room door was knocked, and the next moment, Young Master Rong came in holding a large bouquet of delicate red roses.

He looked at her affectionately and walked towards her.

Luo Anning stood up in shock and stuttered a little in the face of the sudden situation: "You, what are you... going to do?"

"Happy Valentine's Day, wife." Putting the rose in his hand into her hand, Rong Shao stopped her waist with one arm, bowed his head and kissed her deeply.

Luo Anning smiled, and all she could smell in her nostrils was the fragrance of roses. Her heart softened into a pool of spring water, and her uvula kissed him back lingeringly.


Luo Anning often said that if you kiss your lover at the highest point of the Ferris wheel, you will keep going.

Mr. Rong always kept these words in his heart.

In the evening, Luo Anning was taken to the largest amusement park in S city.

Because it’s Chinese Valentine’s Day, tenderness and sweetness can be seen everywhere, with intimate couples holding each other’s hands, hugging each other, and kissing…

As if infected by such an atmosphere, Rong Shao clasped Luo An Ning's chin, bowed his head and kissed her tenderly.

When Luo Anning was in a state of bliss from being kissed, he chuckled and led her onto the Ferris wheel.

Like a curious baby, Luo Anning watched the view expand bit by bit as the Ferris wheel slowly rose.

The night view of City S, an international metropolis, is breathtakingly beautiful. Her clear eyes reflected the bright lights of thousands of houses and the brilliant neon lights.

At that moment, she was dazzlingly beautiful, so beautiful that Rong Shao's heart trembled.

"Legend has it that lovers who kiss when the Ferris wheel reaches its highest point will stay together forever." Mr. Rong hugged her back and whispered in her ear with a low and hoarse voice.

"You—" Luo Anning was so shocked that she couldn't speak, and looked at him with wide, bright eyes.

It turned out that he had always remembered what she said!

What kind of feeling is this? To say that her heart is surging is not enough to express her excitement.

"Wife, I want to walk with you forever." After saying this, Rong Shao kissed her affectionately at the highest point of the Ferris wheel.

The narrow space at high altitude, set off by the bright night view, forms a tender and affectionate world for two people.

I give you everything, leaving nothing behind.

I give you everything, because this is called love.

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