Seeing him open his eyes, Luo Anning wanted to pull away, but it was obviously too late, because Rong Yan's eyes became scorching hot after being cloudy for the first second.

"An Ning, it's great that you finally came to see me." He seemed to sigh, but also seemed to be happy.

The voice was hoarse and low, with a hint of morbid weakness and gentleness.

It sounds like a gentle hand gently touching the heartstrings.

Luo Anning withdrew his hand calmly, glanced away, and his tone was even colder and ruthless: "Yes, let's see if you are dead. If you die, I can remarry."

He struggled to get up and pulled out the needle with one hand. Luo Anning quickly reached out to hold him down, but he pulled out the needle first.

Luo Anning was angry: "What are you crazy about? Didn't anyone tell you that you need to get an injection when you are sick? Pull out the needle? Do you dare to be more childish?!"

Mr. Rong lowered his head slightly. He was like a harmless little lamb at the moment. He didn't say a word or refute when she scolded him. His long eyelashes cast a silhouette under his eyelids.

"Alcoholism? Do you really think your stomach is iron-clad and invulnerable to all poisons? Aren't you drinking alcohol in a cool way? Why don't you continue? Go out and drink now. Let me see how capable you are." Luo Anning Feeling dissatisfied, I simply took down the bottles and threw them all into the trash can.

Rong Yan saw her face flushed with anger, her beautiful eyes gleaming with anger, her thin lips slowly curved in a charming arc, he lifted the quilt and got out of bed with some difficulty.

A trace of pain flashed across his handsome face, but he quickly covered it up. Wearing a ridiculous hospital gown, he walked towards her step by step.

He reached out and took her into his arms, holding her carefully.

Luo Anning didn't want to take advantage of him. She stretched out her hand to push him away and said angrily: "Don't touch me!"

Rong Yan was pushed unprepared and staggered, his body swayed and fell straight to the side.

"Bang——" There was a dull sound, and Young Master Rong fell to the ground.

He wanted to get up, but it seemed that he was unable to do so. Beads of cold sweat slipped from his forehead and dripped along the graceful lines of his chin.

Luo Anning's heart tightened again, and she didn't care about being angry. She anxiously stepped forward to help him up, "Are you okay? Did you fall somewhere? Is there any pain?"

Rong Yan did not get up, but instead hugged her, buried his head in the soft crook of her neck, and said in a low voice: "Don't move, let me hug you, just a little bit."

Luo Anning stiffened, feeling very uncomfortable when she heard his weak tone.

Why did she want to continue such a quarrel with him and continue the cold war, but everyone has principles, and her principles cannot be changed easily.

Unless, he is willing to say it himself.

Otherwise, this status quo cannot be changed.

Rong Yan's thin lips were caressing her delicate skin, and his voice was soft and weak: "Honey, nothing happened between me and Mo Xiyan, you believe me."

"Give me a reason, a reason to convince me to believe you." Luo Anning said calmly.

Rong Yan let out an almost inaudible sigh, clasped the back of her head with one hand, and kissed her thin lips from the crook of her neck to her ear, "Okay, I told you not to be angry. The reason why I went to City B is because Discovering your infertility was actually just a good show played by Mo Xiyan and Bai Qi. After your miscarriage, it was Bai Qi who was always treating you. He knew all about your condition. It was precisely because of this that he Let Mo Xiyan pay attention to you."

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