Holding the heavy red envelope in her hand, Christine's handsome face darkened suddenly. What's the fee for changing her statement? !

He really thought it was his new wife's first day in the house, and she even charged a fee for changing her story! !


After staying in Rong Mansion for a week, Christine flew back to the Imperial Capital for work.

It was learned from her subordinates that Catherine took the initiative to be demoted three days ago, and her position was that of an agent.

After hearing the news, Christine frowned for a moment, then relaxed, "Let her go, as long as she wants, no one can stop her."

The subordinate said helplessly: "But once Catherine leaves, who will take her place? At present, there is no suitable person to take her place and be qualified..."

"Then it will be vacant." Without saying anything, Kristine strode into the office and slammed the door.

The subordinate stood there and thought for a long time before he realized that he wanted to leave his position to Catherine.

"Give me a cup of coffee." Kristen subconsciously called Catherine at work.

After waiting for a long time for a response, he raised his head with a frown and raised his eyes, only to find that there was no one on the other desk in the corner of his office. The desktop was clean and the files were neatly stacked...

Where is the shadow of Catherine?

Looking at this scene, I suddenly remembered that she was already gone.

Ansheng didn't want to wait in the office, but wanted to go to the most dangerous front line.

It was really difficult to concentrate, so Christine reluctantly pressed the intercom and asked her subordinate to make a cup of coffee and bring it in.

Of course, it was impossible for him to admit that the reason for his inability to concentrate was Catherine.

The subordinates brought the coffee very efficiently. Kristen took a sip of the coffee in a depressed mood. She spit it out without taking a sip.

The cup hit the table hard: "Who made the coffee? Can you drink it?"

The subordinate looked horrified: "The assistants in the tea room brewed it. If it doesn't suit your taste, you can ask them to brew it again..."

"Okay! Get out." Before the subordinate could finish his words, Kristen scolded him impatiently.

The subordinate did not dare to hesitate and quickly left the office.

Kristine stood up irritably, tugging at the tie around her neck. The unspeakable anger in her heart was held there, with nowhere to vent it. It was really unbearable!


That night.

I just finished talking to Luo Anning on the phone. I listened to my nephew’s babbling Martian language, Young Master Rong’s various threats and intimidations to get him to hang up the phone, and Mr. Rong’s various greetings and advice that he was worried that he would not be able to take care of himself as an adult. , Christine's good mood did not last long.

After taking a shower, she put on her nightgown and opened Catherine's bedroom. The bedroom was empty and still looked like the last time they returned to S City. No one had touched it again.

"Catherine, are you trying to get out of my range?" Kristen raised the corners of her lips coldly, and sneered: "Then it's best to get away!"

Ten minutes later, Christine, who looked like a rich man in a suit and leather shoes, jumped into the convertible Ferrari, stepped on the accelerator, and the sports car roared, heading towards the largest bar in the imperial capital at high speed.

In the splendid VIP room of Xijue Bar, Christine threw her car keys on the coffee table casually, holding a wine glass in one hand, sometimes playing with it, sometimes drinking. Her red hair became more and more charming under the dazzling and blurry lights.

That handsome face, as if carefully carved by God, is charming and charming, and the curve of the thin lips seems to be mocking, but even so, it still makes people's hearts palpitate.

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