As he said that, he turned around to leave in a hurry, but he forgot that he was a patient. He stumbled and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Luo Anning caught her with quick eyes and hands, and was able to avoid the tragedy of kissing the earth.

Luo Anning supported her and said helplessly: "Love really makes people become fools."

On the same day, Luo Anning called Kristine and told her that Catherine was going abroad. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't give up her idea of ​​going abroad, so she had no choice but to ask him for help.

"What?" Christine pushed away Fang Ke, who was kneeling in front of her, serving her with her mouth. She took out a tissue and wiped her lower body clean three or two times, then zipped up her pants, got up and walked out of the guest room.

"You said Catherine is going abroad? Is she crazy? She really wants to die that much?!" Suddenly, a trace of reason came back from his anger, and he told An Ning: "An Ning, you must keep an eye on her for me, at least when I arrive. Try to hold her back before S City. I will fly back right away."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Anning looked at Catherine with a proud look on her face, an expression that said, "Look, I really didn't lie to you."

The phone was on speakerphone, so Christine's worries and instructions fell into Catherine's ears word by word.

A slight blush appeared on her cold face. She turned her face away, but she couldn't hide the upward curve of the corners of her lips. It was such a beautiful word.


"Master, where are you going?" Fang Ke, who was pushed away, fell to the ground in embarrassment. Hearing his hurried footsteps, she rushed out of the guest room and followed him closely, regardless of her nakedness. Asked from behind.

Kristine paused, turned to look at her, the corners of his lips curled up, and a vague evil aura shrouded his brows: "I'm going there, you have no right to know. The last warning, if you violate the rules, get out!" "

Say it and walk away.

Fang Ke bit her lip and trembled all over...


After the plane landed at S City International Airport, Christine rushed back to Rong Mansion without stopping.

When he returned to Rong Mansion out of breath, Young Master Rong said with a look of disgust: "Catherine is not in Rong Mansion."

Kristen was angry: "Then where is she?!"

"Hey, hey, pay attention to your attitude. Who are you talking to? Don't forget that you are begging for help now. Correct your attitude." Young Master Rong snorted, and the old god was sitting on the sofa grabbing toys from Xiaoshuai. .

Kristine's chest was rising and falling, her breathing was heavy, and her narrow eyes glared resentfully at Young Master Rong, who looked like he was watching a good show, "Please? Oh my god!..."

Kristine had just finished smoking when a small toy train hit him with a whoosh. The handsome boy stared with big round eyes and clapped his hands on his thighs: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee inspired!"

The little guy's look that seemed to be scolding completely pleased Young Master Rong. He picked up his son sideways, put him in his arms, and kissed him, proudly showing off: "You are really a good son of your father. He knows how to protect his shortcomings. Not bad, not bad!" Children can be taught!"

Jiang Peihua walked out of the kitchen, saw Kristine, and said, "Damn it, why are you back?"

Just as Christine opened her mouth to return, Jiang Peihua turned around and asked Young Master Rong again, as if she just asked him and had no intention of hearing his return.

This neglectful attitude made Kristen very angry. She would not be so playful!

"You brat, it's almost time for dinner. Call An Ning quickly and ask her to come back with Catherine." After saying that, Jiang Peihua turned around and entered the kitchen.

When Christine heard this, she knew where Catherine was?

So, he glanced at Young Master Rong arrogantly and snorted coldly: "I don't want you to beg me!"

After saying that, he rushed into the kitchen like the wind.

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