How can it be! That woman is so cowardly that she would have the guts to break the lamp he brought back from Berlin?

Even if she sold the lamp, she couldn't afford it. Would she dare to throw it away?

Catherine chuckled, "No doubt, it's Fang Ke. You know, I never bother to lie, believe it or not."

"Where is she?" Christine asked.

"I drove him away." After saying that, looking at his gloomy face, he said sarcastically, "Why, are you feeling distressed?"

At first, she wanted to be kicked out and leave, so as not to be upset by her submissive look, but when she heard Catherine's sarcastic words, Kristen pulled her lips and sneered: "Yeah, I feel bad. That's my woman. , you drive her away, where will you put me?"

That's my woman...

That's my woman...

That's my woman...

Well, that's my woman!

Catherine was like a thousand arrows piercing her heart. She squeezed the water glass tightly and wanted to throw the whole glass of water on his face!

Fang Ke is his woman, so who is she, Catherine?

Is it a sexual release tool that I have slept with for so many years?

"Don't tell me that she is your woman. What she did today, even if she is your daughter, I will still let her go without hesitation! Not killing her is the greatest honor I have given you. Christine, don't Challenge my limits, I don’t know what I will do if I’m pushed.”

Her cold tone undoubtedly challenged the majesty of his boss.

After all these years, when had Catherine dared to speak to him like this?

This is so outrageous!

Just about to get angry, Kristen grabbed a glimmer of reason, wait!

An inconsequential Fang Ke can arouse her anger. Does this also make her quit?

After thinking about it, Kristen felt that it made sense. Using another woman to repel a woman was the most correct way!

The anger that was about to explode gradually dissipated and turned into a chuckle. Looking at the extremely angry Catherine, he warned: "Catherine, since this is the first time, I won't argue with you. But If it happens a second time, go back to England!"

These words were said extremely harshly. He was warning her that if she dared to drive Fang Ke away next time, she would be excluded from his side forever.

He didn't even care about her life safety and asked her to go back to the UK and be exposed to the assassination of the American emperor.

Catherine was shaking with anger, Kristen ignored her and walked out after speaking.

Fang Ke is now his shield. How can the show continue without Fang Ke as the protagonist?

Therefore, he has to get Fang Ke back now, and as soon as possible.

After Fang Ke was driven away, she didn't leave too far. Instead, she sat on the park bench under the apartment. She didn't want to leave, not at all.

She really didn't want to go back to Xi Jue's place.

It took a lot of effort to accumulate virtue in her previous life before she could meet a financial sponsor like Christine. She was no longer willing to give in to those fat-headed old men.

With comparison, you will have a position in your mind.

And her position is to be Christine's woman, even if it is a tool for sexual release, she is willing to do so.

Christine soon found Fang Ke. When she saw him coming, Fang Ke stood up and rushed to him with tears of joy...

Catherine stood there, stiff, hating herself for not killing Fang Ke with one shot, so as not to end up clean now!

"Come in." Christine's voice suddenly sounded in the apartment, bringing Catherine back to her mind.

Her pupils suddenly tightened, and she saw Fang Ke following Kristen and leaning against him, her timid eyes filled with a little bit of joy, excitement and... provocation.

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