What's there to be thankful for?

Could it be that she also knew that the food she cooked was unpalatable?

Kristine couldn't help but look at her differently. People need to be self-aware.

Without having dinner, she went upstairs and took a shower. Kristen wandered slowly to the study. After staying in the study for a short time, she wandered to the living room again, picked up the TV remote control and impatiently changed the channel.

Fang Ke washed the fruit, cut it and put it on the coffee table. Seeing his irritable look, she thoughtfully said: "Master, please eat some fruit."

"What time is it?!" Kristen said impatiently.

"Ah?" Fang Ke didn't react, and immediately understood that he was asking about the time, but didn't the time show on the TV?

She was confused, but Fang Ke didn't dare to question it after all. She just answered whatever the young master asked, "Master, it's 22:47 now."

It’s almost eleven o’clock!

She doesn’t know how to go home yet!

She obviously got off work before him, but she still hasn't come home at this time. If she doesn't go home, forget it. She doesn't even have a phone call!

It's really... infuriating!

Christine's eyes were fixed on the time, as if she wanted to make a hole in the TV. She unconsciously picked up the phone with one hand, picked it up and put it down, put it down and picked it up again...


"Master, what's wrong with you?" Fang Ke asked from the side. Seeing his restless look, she thought something was wrong with him.

Subconsciously, I want him to share it with me, no matter the good or bad.

Especially since Catherine was away and it was rare for her to be alone with him, she naturally wanted to cherish this rare time.

Still hesitating whether to call Catherine and ask her where the hell she was, when she heard Fan Ke's words, Christine raised her eyebrows and had an idea in her mind——

"You, give her a call." He held out the phone.

Looking at the expensive mobile phone in front of her, Fang Ke was stunned and said, "Master, who are you calling?"

"Catherine!" Dial the number directly and put the phone into her hand.

Kristen crossed her arms on her chest, her face showed no emotion or anger, and her narrow eyes were fixed on the TV, as if she didn't care about the phone call at all.

Fang Ke looked at the dialed phone and asked nervously: "Master, what do I want to say to the lady?"

say what?

He didn't know what to say to her!

After confessing his love, he became very angry, as if he had become a different person!

How could she be as cute as the Catherine who always obeyed his words and never said another when he said one thing to her?

When he asked her when she would come home, he couldn't even say such a thing to death.

Of course, he wouldn't let Fang Ke say it. If he asked this question, Catherine wouldn't think he was interested in her, and what if he couldn't get rid of her?

"Just tell her not to come back and disturb us tonight. Let her find a hotel to stay for one night." Kristen said roughly.

As soon as she finished speaking, Fang Ke was filled with joy. She looked at Christine's handsome profile with wide eyes in disbelief. Did the young master mean that he was going to favor her tonight?

So they won't let Catherine come back and disturb them?

Fangke felt secretly happy when she thought that she would become Christine's woman tonight, and then she would be able to stand proud in front of Catherine.

She was a little nervous at first, but she immediately seemed confident. She held her phone and began to listen carefully.

After a long time, Fang Ke said helplessly: "Master, the lady doesn't answer the phone..."

"Hit again!"

"...But, I've called him more than a dozen times..." Catherine answered the call long ago.

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