Priceless New Bride: Accidentally Offending The Dangerous CEO (Priceless New Bride)

691. Chapter 691 It’s really ridiculous to greet you in the old way

Leaning on his back, feeling nostalgic for this warmth, Luo Anning said softly: "Yan, give me some time, I will find a balance between career and family. Okay?"

The little guy twisted his fleshy little body, wanting to be hugged. Young Master Rong looked down at him, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Luo Anning let go of him, walked up to him, and kissed the little guy, "Little handsome, just follow daddy, okay?"

Immediately, he looked at the expressionless man again, a faint smile appeared on his lips, pulled his tie and asked him to lower his head, and pressed her pink lips to his thin lips.

A soft whisper escaped from her lips: "Yan, I love you."

Just as the pink lips were about to withdraw, Young Master Rong grabbed the back of her head and kissed her hard.

The little guy's dark eyes looked curiously at Tutu Ma Ma, and his rosy little mouth opened into an 'O' shape.

It wasn't until his lips were red, swollen and slightly sore from being kissed that Young Master Rong let her go, his eyes shining with warm affection, and he said in a low voice: "This is what you said. Once you can't find the balance point, then... Let me help you decide."

Looking at him, Luo Anning readily agreed: "Okay."


Taking the private plane arranged by Mr. Rong, Kristen rushed to the United States as soon as possible. Before going to J Building, he drew the internal structure of J Building in detail into a 3D map, so that Rong Yan's people could quickly familiar.

In order to rescue Catherine most efficiently.

Not only Rong Yan's people, but also several elites from the Tang Sect were arranged to come over, along with two doctors.

Just in case, if Catherine is injured, she can still get prime time for treatment.

Kristine thought that the only one who could think so carefully in such a short period of time was Young Master Rong.

After so many years in the United States, Christine is familiar with the blind spots that are not easily detected by surveillance, and she can lead people to sneak into the United States quietly.

After arranging for people to lurk in various dark corners of J Building and meet at intersections, and assigning their respective tasks, Christine contacted Maida.

The phone only rang once and was picked up.

Maida's emotionless voice sounded: "Christine, you are here."

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm at the door of J Building. Tell me what you want me to do."

"The president doesn't want to take your life so soon, so let's play for a while. Now, come in." After Maida finished speaking, he cut off the phone.

Kristine clutched her phone tightly, glanced at the towering J Building, smiled coldly, and stepped into the J Building.

Different from the noisy halls in the past with people coming and going, the J Building at this moment is as quiet as a lifeless tomb.

The surroundings were shrouded in a layer of deathly darkness and coldness.

Go through the lobby, enter the elevator, and arrive at the 44th floor, the administrative building.

With a 'ding' sound, the elevator door opened, and dozens of red lights shot straight in. The scorching light could scorch skin and flesh, and could quickly burn a person to death within three minutes.

Kristine's eyes flashed, her figure dodged left and right, jumped and bent, and stood three meters away from the red light.

"Maida, you have forgotten that I invented the blazing light. Don't you think it's ridiculous to use it against me?"

Looking at the empty administrative entrance, Christine smiled contemptuously and raised her voice.

After a brief sound of electric waves flowing, Maida's cold and steady voice sounded: "It is really ridiculous to greet you in the old way. Next, I will let you be the first experimenter of the new weapon."

As soon as Maida finished speaking, dozens of small squares dropped from the ceiling at the same time, and black beads the size of eggs fell down one after another.

"Crackling--" The black beads hit the ground, exploded instantly, and thick black smoke rose.

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