"Since I have broken your game rules, why don't we compete alone? Haven't you always been dissatisfied with me? Now I'll give you a chance to defeat me and prove that you are better than me!"

Maida hesitated.

Kristine continued to provoke him: "Maida, are you afraid? Then I really misjudged you. It turns out you are nothing more than that. As timid as a mouse."

"Kristen, I will let you know who is the real strong one! Who is the president's most proud chief killer!"

Maida took the bait, and Christine smiled.

He stood there and stretched his hands and feet, preparing for a tough battle.

Maida, a tall black man, quickly came to the floor where he was, his muscles all bulging, and he looked at him solemnly: "Compared to what?"

"Marksmanship." Christine said: "Compared with whose marksmanship is faster, life or death will determine the outcome. If I lose, you take my life. If I win, tell me where Catherine is."

"Deal." Maida said coldly: "I didn't expect that Catherine is so important to you. It seems that we have misjudged her value."

Kristen's eyes narrowed slightly, and she heard a trace of ridicule and surprise in his words, although Maida was expressionless with emotion and anger.

In other words, Catherine is currently being held in a dungeon, and they didn't expect her to have such a strong influence on him that they didn't take more stringent measures?

After receiving this knowledge, Kristen was secretly relieved.

Now that we know where she is being held, the next step will be much easier to handle. The most important thing is to deal with the troublesome Maida first!

"It's not too late to know now. Let's start after three counts."


As soon as the words fell, the two of them took out a pistol from their waists at the same time, loaded it quickly, and pointed the black hole at each other's head——


Christine said softly, Maida's expression remained unchanged.


Maida tightened her grip on the pistol slightly, and the corners of Kristine's lips curved into a smile of unknown meaning.


"Christine, you're cheating!" Maida yelled angrily. Regardless of his right hand that was shot, he squatted down, picked up the pistol that fell to the ground with his left hand, pointed it at him, and shot him.

"I forgot to tell you, we have an old saying in China, we never tire of deception." Christine saw the right opportunity and didn't give him a chance to make a comeback. "Bang, bang" shot him on his left hand and right leg respectively.

Maida knelt heavily on the ground, his left and right hands hanging unnaturally by his side. He raised his head and stared at Christine angrily: "You think you can escape like this? Haha, I will not regret my death. The president will avenge me. Yes! You and Catherine are destined to be buried with me!"

Kristine's face froze, die?

He never thought that he and Catherine would die, not even when Catherine was kidnapped this time.

Someone will indeed die, but it will never be him and Catherine!

"No matter what the process is, the result is that I won. I am willing to admit defeat. Now tell me, where is Catherine?" Kristine said coldly, stroking the pistol.

Maida laughed sinisterly, "Want to know? Then come over here and I'll tell you."

Christine hesitated.

Maida said: "I am a useless person now, are you still afraid of me?"

"How could it be?" Christine sneered and walked towards him.

"Katherine is here..." Maida said, smiling strangely, and took out a Swiss Army knife from his waist, clenched it with both hands, and stabbed him straight into the heart.

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