As if she was annoyed that she was interrupted while killing, she waved her arm and broke away from Kristen. Her strength had increased greatly, and even this slight break away could push Kristen back two steps.

Kristine took two steps back, looked down at the nurse at her feet, and shouted, "Why don't you get out and wait to die?!"

The nurse seemed to have been hit in the head, and she rolled out of the ward in an instant.

Catherine's fingers were curled like sharp claws, and she clawed straight at Kristen's heart.

Kristen was startled and quickly jumped back a few steps. Catherine became even more annoyed and attacked continuously, pressing forward step by step.

Christine struggled to hide, but Catherine was like a tireless robot, he hid and she attacked.

The pace never stopped, but became faster and faster.

On the other hand, Christine's originally vigorous dodge gradually began to slow down.

As soon as he slowed down, Catherine caught the opportunity, grabbed his shoulder with a sharp claw, and cut it out with force——

"Hiss--" There was a sound of tearing clothing.

Kristine groaned and looked sideways at her shoulder. The suit jacket and shirt were torn together, and blood was pouring out from five finger-sized holes.

Seeing the blood seemed to ignite the cruelty factor in Catherine's blood. She stretched out the tip of her tongue and licked her lips. A strange smile spread across her lips. She raised her other hand and grabbed his heart——

"Catherine, don't you recognize me?" Christine looked straight at her without hiding.

Even he had never noticed that his voice was so trembling.

The claw-like five fingers clawed straight at his heart. Hearing his voice containing infinite self-blame and guilt, the five fingers paused at his heart.

Blinking her red eyes, Catherine tilted her head to look at him, and her hand movements paused for a moment.

Kristen curved her lips slightly, luckily, luckily she could hear it!

Fortunately she is not completely crazy!

The warm and dry palm slowly wrapped around her like a sharp hook, and pulled her hand down. Catherine looked at him, watching him pull down her hand. After three seconds, she suddenly became manic, and she was about to kill him. Take action.

"Catherine, see clearly who I am!" Christine clasped her arms tightly, stared deeply into her eyes, and looked at her with pursed lips without fear of the terror of those red eyes.

Wanted to wake her up.

Catherine continued to struggle, unable to listen at all, as if she was unconsciously manic.

Kristine felt sorry for her like this, no matter how scary she was now, whether her skin was purple or blue, or whether her eyes seemed to be bleeding, he grabbed her with his long arms and held her tightly in his arms.

For the first time, he hugged her tightly, too strong to refuse.

"Catherine, look clearly, I am Christine. You love me, don't you? Now, take a good look at me, be clear, don't be controlled by drugs, don't become the monster that everyone fears. Catherine, you can do it "?" Christine said in a low voice as her big hands stroked her golden hair.

Catherine's struggle became smaller, her lips kept opening and closing, as if she wanted to say something, but not a single sound came out.

Kristine rested her chin on the top of her head and gently rubbed the top of her hair, "Don't be afraid, I won't let you become a monster. Believe me, I will let someone cure you. The premise is that you have to Cooperate obediently, you know?”

Catherine in her arms gradually stopped, and suddenly, the ward door opened with a bang from the outside.

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