How could this happen? How could she become like this?

"Mrs. Rong, please come in. Try not to disturb the patient. She has just received a diazepam and she may wake up when the time comes. When the time comes..." the nurse warned Luo Anning as she led her into the ward.

They had personally experienced the ferocity and bloodthirsty chill of Catherine's mania.

"How's Catherine's condition? Has it gotten better?" She put the little one in her arms, who was looking curiously with wide, round eyes, on the sofa and sat down. Luo Anning walked to the bedside and looked at Catherine and asked worriedly.

The nurse said truthfully: "The patient will cooperate with drug-assisted treatment. After the vaccine in the body is effectively controlled and does not spread, the blood transfusion can be performed."

"Can Catherine recover after blood transfusion?"

"That's right, yes."

"Okay, I understand." The big stone fell from An Ning's heart and he waved his hand: "You guys go down and do your work."

"Mr. Rong, let's leave first. If you need anything, you can ring the service bell on the bedside." After saying that, the nurses left.

"Hey..." The little guy on the sofa was dissatisfied with being so far away from Mommy, and clenched his little fists in protest.

Luo Anning turned back, made a 'shh' gesture, and lowered her voice: "Xiao Shuai, we promised to be good, and you are not allowed to disturb Aunt Catherine now."

Xiaoshuai understood, flattened his mouth, put down his fists in aggrieved manner, and really stopped screaming.

Luo Anning praised with satisfaction: "How good!"

I don't know if it was the heat or some other reason, but a thin layer of sweat broke out on Catherine's face. Luo Anning returned to the sofa and picked up two pillows to surround the little guy, telling him not to move around and not to fall off the sofa.

The little guy understood the words, looked at Mom eagerly, and finally had to obey.

Sitting on the sofa, her little hands tightly grasped the tassels of the pillow, and she pursed her lips. She couldn't be more obedient!

He brought a basin of water from outside, soaked the towel, and Luo Anning wiped Catherine's face carefully and carefully.

It was Catherine who had been helping her all along, snatching her back from the hands of death time and time again. She even delivered Xiao Shuai herself.

For Catherine, Luo Anning has subconsciously regarded her as a relative, the same relative as Christine.

At first, she was frightened by Catherine. After the fright, she became worried and distressed.

When the worry and distress outweighed the fright, when she looked at Catherine, she felt no fear at all, nor was she afraid.

After wiping her face and wiping her hands, Luo Anning looked at her sleeping face: "Katherine, let me tell you some good news. Christine has now realized your importance to him. So, you have to Get well soon, I know the treatment process is painful, but I believe you will get through it successfully, right?"

Luo Anning spoke to her softly, and it wasn't until the little guy was left out for a long time and started babbling in protest that Luo Anning withdrew his gaze from Catherine's face.

He turned to look at his dissatisfied son, "Xiao Shuai, mommy will come to accompany you after pouring the water. Be good."

After saying that, he stood up, picked up the water and left the ward.

When Luo Anning returned to the ward, the scene she saw almost scared her heart to a halt!

"Catherine, what are you doing?! He is Xiaoshuai, your nephew, don't hurt him!" Luo Anning was trembling with coldness. She stood at the door and looked at him with a violent aura all over her body, squeezing Xiaoshuai's neck with one hand. Catherine was very anxious, but she didn't dare to take a step forward.

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