Photos of Tang Chao, handsome and elegant in suits and ties, and Lana's gorgeous and sexy photos appeared on the headlines. The two seemed to be a perfect match, and various media also sent their blessings.

There were hundreds of thousands of messages on Tang Chao and Lana's Weibo, all of which were written by fans of Tang Chao asking Lana to take good care of their young master Tang and tearfully wishing them happiness.

Although her wedding was approaching, Lanna still took time out of her busy schedule to participate in some commercial tailoring activities. At the activities, the media targeted her with both guns and short guns, and the interviews were all about the wedding.

Lanna smiled and responded to them one by one: "As everyone knows, Achao and I's wedding will be held in a week. We have all seen the blessings from media friends and fans. I am really grateful for everyone's blessings." . At that time, friends from the media will also be invited to watch the ceremony, thank you."

The other protagonist of the wedding, Tang Chao, never showed up.

Six days before the wedding, Lu Momo was chatting and laughing with Cui Yuqian in the hospital; five days before the wedding, Lu Momo teased Mo Qiange in the hospital; four days before the wedding, Lu Momo was tearing things apart in the hospital. Wearing gauze, there is a small scar on the scalp. Fortunately, it is covered by hair, and you can't see it without looking carefully. There are still three days before the wedding. After Lu Momo cooperated with the doctor in the hospital to conduct a comprehensive physical examination, he agreed. Discharged.

At this time, the media had already revealed that the church where the wedding ceremony was held in Tangmen had begun to dress up intensively for the wedding three days later.

The first time after being discharged from the hospital, Lu Mo returned home, and Cui Yuqian sent her back.

Mrs. Lu looked at the two people with a smile. The more she looked at them, the more they seemed to be right. The look she looked at Cui Yuqian was the same as the look her mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law.

Seeing how distracted she was, Cui Yuqian chatted with Mrs. Lu for a few words and then left.

On the TV, the sweet voice of the female anchor of the entertainment station was broadcasting the Tang Clan's luxurious wedding. Mrs. Lu sat down next to her and curiously asked them what they had been doing these days and inquired about the progress of their relationship. Mo Mo was in a low mood and raised his eyes sadly, "Mom, I'm so tired. Let's go up and take a nap first. Can you interrogate me properly when you wake up?"

Mrs. Lu angrily pinched her baby-fat cheek, "Go ahead, I'll call you when dinner is ready."

Lu Mo returned to the bedroom and fell on the soft big bed. After lying there for a while, he felt very bored. He simply brought the computer and sat up cross-legged to play. Suddenly, a pop-up window appeared on the web page, and it was about Lanna's wedding in the Tang Dynasty. !

Although the man from Tang Dynasty did not appear in front of him, his face refused to let her go for a moment. Lu Momo pushed away the computer angrily, lay down straight, and stared at the ceiling without blinking.

Just get married. Is it necessary to cause a sensation in the whole city and make the whole country aware of it?

It's really annoying, the Tang Dynasty is so annoying!

Lu Mo Mo angrily grabbed the pillow and beat it hard, then stopped in frustration and whispered to himself: "Lu Mo Mo, what's wrong with you? Isn't he getting married what you always wanted to see?"

Isn’t that what you have always wanted for him to stop showing up and pestering you?

Why... do I feel depressed and unspeakably uncomfortable?


Luo Anning was taking a shower in the bedroom. Young Master Rong was sitting on the sofa, supporting his head in one hand and reading a financial magazine in the other. Xiaoshuai was sitting on the carpet with his head lowered and playing with his building blocks. He held the building blocks with his chubby little hands. Slowly a small tower was built.

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