Hearing this, Luo Aning nodded clearly, and the little guy in his arms struggled even harder. In order to divert Luo Aning's attention, Young Master Rong kindly reminded him: "Didn't I have an appointment with Lu Momo for dinner? Also, if you don't Get ready, you're going to be late tonight."

"That's right, I'm going to change clothes first." Luo Anning was in a hurry to change clothes, but she didn't expect that her phone had a screen lock. How could Xiaoshuai know the password?

Luo An Ning went to the cloakroom. Young Master Rong picked up the little guy from his arms and looked at her level. The handsome boy turned his face to the side in anger. Young Master Rong easily pinched his little chin with his index finger and thumb and pulled his head over. He coaxed and said, "Okay, okay, daddy knows that you have been wronged. Come on, daddy will give you a kiss and you won't be angry anymore."

He was the only one who didn't feel guilty after using his own son as a gun...

His thin lips kissed the little guy's face several times. The little guy was no match for him, okay?

They were forced to kiss and they almost cried without tears. In the end, Xiaoshuai was carried and changed into a small parent-child suit that was exactly the same as him.


Lu Mo Mo has a homely personality. If she doesn't have an appointment or work, she doesn't go out unless necessary.

As long as there are snacks and cartoons, she can stay away from home for a week or two.

Of course, this is related to her hobby. She draws comics, and watching anime helps her find inspiration to design characters and story content.

When she received the call, she was eating melon seeds and watching anime. When she heard that she could play with Xiaoshuai, she hung up the phone and rushed to change clothes.

After dressing up properly, I picked up my bag and went out, driving straight to the hotel.

I came to the hotel and found that An Ning would ask Xiao Ning to play with her...because she didn't have time to play with her at all.

As the president, Luo Anning gave a speech before the dinner started, thanking his colleagues for their dedicated hard work and saying that he would continue to do so in the future and that the company would not treat any employee who contributed to the company badly.

Then, during the meal, the company's senior management came up to propose a toast. Not wanting to spoil the fun, Luo An Ning accepted all comers. In the end, Rong Shao's face darkened, exuding a dangerous aura that no strangers should enter, and slowly walked to Luo An Ning and hugged her. , took her wine glass and drank for her, looking around at everyone with sharp eyes: "Anyone else who wants to toast, please come."

Once these words are spoken, who dares to confront the enemy?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Young Master Rong is angry, okay?

If you dare to make his wife drink alcohol in front of him again, you would only commit such a stupid act if you don't want your life!

The senior management and employees smiled coquettishly and hurriedly waved their hands and said: "No, no, it's better for the president to drink less. Drinking is harmful to the body... Haha, it is harmful to the body..."

Only then did Young Master Rong retract his eyes with satisfaction, help Luo Anning sit down, put the chopsticks into her hand, and said softly: "Eat."

With a smile on her face, Luo An Ning reached out from under the table and pinched his waist. She lowered her voice and said, "Are you here to cause trouble? Look at how frightened those people are by you..." "

Mr. Rong blinked his eyes innocently and passed the test aggrievedly: "Honey, I'm here to support you."

What a punch to the cotton!

Afraid that An Ning would be really angry, Young Master Rong immediately gave her a kiss on the cheek and said softly: "Be good, have some food first, there will be a private wine party later."

"What kind of private wine shop?"

"Arui has booked a private room at Xijiang Private Club and we will go there to get together later." Young Master Rong said in an evasive manner.

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