"I'm fine, Qiange, please take me back to the apartment. I'm sleepy." He wanted to stop his mind, stop thinking about Tang Dynasty and Lanna, and wanted to be quiet.

"Yes." Mo Qiange took a deep look at Tang Chao, turned around and left.

"Lu Mo Mo, you are so entangled with a man who has a fiancée, aren't you afraid that Xia Xinlan will misunderstand you?" Tang Chao's cool ridicule came from behind.

A trace of hurt flashed in Lu Mo Mo's eyes. Mo Qiange looked down at her and saw her disappointed look. He quickened his pace, got into the car and left quickly.

"Damn you, Lu Momo!" Tang Chao put his hands on his waist, kicked the ground, and cursed lowly, making Lu Momo very angry.

Returning to the apartment, Lu Momo found the remaining medicine and took it before going back to the bedroom to lie down without letting Qian Ge stay and take care of her.

Thinking about today's Tang Dynasty, the more I think about it, the more unpleasant it becomes, sour and astringent.

She didn't want to admit that she was really a bitch. When he was good to her, she could only remember how the Tang clan brutally shot Qian Ge. Now that he was getting married, she realized belatedly that the people of the Tang Dynasty were actually quite nice. …

People, maybe they are always surrounded by blessings and don’t know the blessings. When they are lost, they suddenly realize that the things they once ignored the most are precious things that they will rarely encounter in their entire lives.

No matter what, Tang Chao and Lana were getting married, and even if she really discovered her feelings, she wouldn't destroy anything.

It's all too late, too late, too late.

All she could do was not to interrupt and send her blessings silently.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, the ringing of her cell phone woke her up again. She answered the phone blearily: "Senior...is it really true? Okay...then I'll think about it..."


Lanna, who had put on makeup in the afternoon, didn't see Tang Chao, so she anxiously asked the clerk about it. When she learned that he carried Lu Momo out, she felt depressed.

Fortunately, a phone call from him in the evening cleared up my depressed mood.

Tang Chao invited her to dine at the top revolving restaurant in S City, which is the most romantic date spot for couples. You can have a panoramic view of the gorgeous night view of S City, listen to beautiful violin music, and have a candlelight dinner with your loved one. .

Ah Cheng acted as the driver and took her to the revolving restaurant. After personally escorting her to the floor, he made a respectful and respectful gesture: "Miss Lan, please come inside. Mr. Tang is already waiting for you."

Lan Na didn't think too much and walked in. Nuo Da's restaurant was booked, and Tang Chao was the only one.

He sat by the window, supporting his head with one hand and looking at the night scene outside the window with blurred eyes.

Hearing the faint sound of high heels on the carpet, he turned his head and saw her smile immediately, stand up, and reach out to her: "You're here."

"Achao..." Lanna walked over excitedly and put her hand into his palm.

Tang Chao held her hand and kissed the back of her hand. Then he walked to the opposite side and pulled out a chair, smiling at her: "Come, sit down."

Ever since she became his fiancée, she had never enjoyed even a moment of his tenderness. At this moment, Lanna, feeling excited and moved, walked over and sat down on the chair he had pulled up.

After she sat down, Tang Chao snapped his fingers and sat down opposite her.

The waiter came over, holding a bouquet of beautifully wrapped yellow roses in his hand, "Miss Lan, this is given to you by Mr. Tang."

Lanna was dumbfounded. All the joy and excitement slowly dissipated the moment she saw the yellow rose. The blood in her body flowed backwards, and her hands and feet were cold.

Without reaching out to pick up the yellow rose, Lanna turned to look at Tang Chao, her lips trembling: "Ah Chao, you, what do you mean? Why did you think of giving me flowers..."

Yellow roses represent apology and rejected love.

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