"I'm sure this is it. Miss Lu's senior sister Cai Xuan lives here." Acheng said with certainty.

Tang Chao rubbed his forehead and made a gesture to knock on the door. Ah Cheng immediately stepped forward and rang the doorbell.

In the middle of the night, the doorbell rang, which was very scary.

When Caixuan was drowsily sleeping, she heard the doorbell ringing. She muttered and got up to open the door: "Who dares to prevent people from sleeping so late at night..."

Lu Mo defaulted to the bed and slept uneasily in a strange environment. When he heard the doorbell, he shrank his head under the quilt in fear. When he heard the footsteps of his senior sister going out to open the door, he immediately jumped out of bed and followed her out.

"Senior, wait..." What if there are bad guys in the middle of the night? No, she can't let senior go out alone, and she can't open the door easily.

Caixuan was also confused. She didn't even look at who was standing outside the door and opened the door rashly. Fortunately, it wasn't a bad person, otherwise she would have suffered a loss and died.

There was a loud gust of wind, and the apartment door opened wide——

One, two, three...seven, eight, nine men.

Standing in front of her apartment in the middle of the night, especially when the high-quality man in front was so handsome and stylish, Caixuan opened her mouth in surprise: "Who are you?"

Tang Chao winked at Acheng, who cleverly informed them of the purpose of their trip: "Miss Caixuan, right? We came all the way from China to see Miss Lu Momo. Please make it easy for us and let us in."

"Looking for Mo Mo?" Cai Xuan narrowed her eyes at Tang Chao and suddenly widened in fear, pointing her finger at him: "Are you the heartless bastard who made Mo Mo's belly bigger and is irresponsible?!"

Tang Chao was already very tired, and the wound on his back was still burning. In the middle of the night, if it wasn't for the fact that she was Lu Momo's little brat's senior, he would have barged in long ago. Who would have known? He came to visit according to etiquette, but he was pointed at the tip of his nose and called a bastard, a bastard, a heartless person. How could he not get angry or angry?

"You bastard, you are a heartless bastard? Who are you talking about?" He narrowed his eyes and stared at her, Tang Chao's voice suddenly became deep, with the foreshadowing of a storm coming.

Caixuan shivered coldly when she was stared at by those sharp eyes like an eagle. The hand holding the doorknob subconsciously pushed to slam the door. Ah Cheng quickly stretched out his hand to block the crack of the door and forced the door to open again. opened.

When Caixuan saw it, she knew that she couldn't hide anymore, so she pretended to be brave and said, "You bastard, the heartless man is talking about you, isn't it you? You made Mo Mo's belly bigger, and then abandoned her, leaving her alone with the child in her belly." Traveling alone to a foreign country..."

Caixuan didn't finish what she said because she was interrupted by a shocked and nervous voice behind her.

"Senior sister...what are you talking about!"

Hearing this, Tang Chao's eyes shifted from Caixuan's face, and when he saw Lu Mo Mo, who was wearing Snoopy pajamas behind her, the coldness condensed in the corners of his eyes softened instantly.

The tall body stumbled across Kai Xuan, walking straight towards Lu Momo, staring at her for a moment, as if the whole world had turned into nothingness, and in his eyes, only Lu Momo existed.

Seeing him walking towards her step by step, his eyes blazing, while Lu Mo was panicking, the only thing he could think of was - run away!

Standing on tiptoes, he turned around and was about to rush back to the room to hide. Before he could take two steps, he was picked up by his collar.

"Ah bastard... let go of my collar!"

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